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Ultron pov.
I have been in the autobots base for a few hours and I have to go back to the ship I can't stay here to long or my children's will be in danger. "I have to go back to the ship. My childrens I will see you again"I said in a calm but in a sad voice. I look at starlight and Grim. I see starlight with tears going down her face. "Father please don't go we just got you back" starlight said with a sad voice and had tears going down her face. This made me sad she was crying for me to stay. "Father please stay here until my other sisters and brothers get here. The little ones are waiting for you to come home and lord momonga is also waiting for you" Grim said in a sad voice. This just made me more sad. My littles one are waiting for me and what surprise me is that momonga is waiting for me too. "Starlight, Grim please don't be sad how about this. Tell me if every one is here than we can go home okay?" I said in a calm voice trying to cheer them up. It seems to work because starlight stops crying a little. "Okay father but if something is wrong please tell us and we will help you" starlight said in a happy but in a sad voice. "Yes father I will kill anyone if they hurt my family" Grim said in a calm voice. "Good promise me you will take care of each other" I said in a strong voice. My children nodded at me looking determined. "Until then goodbye" then I teleported to the ship and went back to my fake form.

Starlight pov.
I look at Grim and give a sad smile. Then I look at the autobots and they look surprise at what happened. "So who is really is Megatron starlight and huh Grim" ask agent Fowler looking scared of my brother. "Well he is named Ultron one of the superiors beings and the king of all Dragons also the father or creator of 11 people so me and starlight are one of them" Grim said in a calm voice. "What are the superiors beings if I may ask" Optimus ask in a nice way. "The superiors beings are a big group that are very strong and they work together. Also they are like brothers and sisters. My father is the second in command of the superior beings" I said in a calm and motherly way. I saw Raf walking to me and I look at him. "Are you a mom because you are acting like a mom" Raf ask. I blushed and saw my brother walking to me. "That is a good question little one. Are you a mother sister?" Grim ask in a serious tone. "I am not a mother brother but I want children of my own when I am much older" I said in a calm voice. "Wait so your father is the king of all Dragons" agent Fowler ask. Me and my brother nodded at him. "What are Dragons?"bulkhead ask. "Well they are very big giant lizard with wings and they are very strong" Raf said. He is always smart at interesting things. My brother pat his head softly. "You are smart I see do you have a home young one?" My brother said and ask in a calm voice. He is like a father sometimes to lost childrens it cute. "Not really my family don't really care about me so that why they do not ask where I am going" Raf said in a sad voice. Everyone was shock. I went to him and hug him like a mother trying to cheer them up. "I will ask father if you can come home with us" I said while hugging him. I felt him hug me back and nodded. "Sister maybe you can be a mother to him if you want" brother said in a calm voice. "That if he let me be a mother to him"I said in a happy and hopeful voice. "I want you to be my new mom"Raf said I was happy that I a mother now. Maybe Aura will be happy to that she will be a mom too. "Brother in our world the time is very slow so Raf if you go to our world you will be like 3 or 4 years old okay?" I said in a mother way. "Will still be smart like I am here?"Raf ask. I nodded. "Father will be happy to have grandson" Grim said in calm voice but he was happy to be a uncle. Than I remember something. I look at Grim. "Brother I have to tell lord momonga that we found father he will be happy to know we found him" I said in a calm voice. "I agree with you also tell him that we will be there soon" Grim said in a serious voice. " Why are you leaving mom?" Raf said in a sad voice. I was sad that he thinks I am leaving him. "I am not going by myself. You are coming with me okay?" I said in a motherly way. He became happy to know that he is coming with me. "Sister are you sure you will take him with you? You know how the other feel about humans." Grim said in a worry voice. I forgot about the Guardians of the floors. Oh well I am more stronger than them so they fear me. "Well brother if they try to hurt my son. They will have to face the consequences" I said in a calm but serious voice. Which shock everyone but my brother. So he nodded and made a portal for me and Raf. Me and my son walk to the portal and we were in nazarick. I see my son about 3 or 4 years old and he was so cute. I pick him up and put him on my hip. I walk in nazarick and it was so beautiful. I went to lord momonga office and I was in front of the door with my son. I walk in the office and found..........

(You have to find out until next time sorry if it is short good bye for now)

Transformers Prime/overlord: Megatron and miko secret Where stories live. Discover now