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Megatron/Ultron pov.
While I was thinking about how to find starlight. A portal came. But I just ignore it because it is not important. What is important is finding my daughter and making sure she is safe. Than autobots came from the portal but I just keep think about starlight. Next "What are you doing here megatron" said optimus. "Well I just needed some alone ti-" I said but I stop talking when I look at them because I see........starlight with them. While the autobots had a confused look on why I stop talking but they just realized I was looking at starlight. They started to get in front of her that I can't see her this got me mad. She is my daughter and they are taking her from me oh I won't let that happened. Than "guys let me talk to him" said starlight I was happy that she wants to talk to me but that is until "no starlight he can hurt you". I was mad that I let it out "IF SHE WANTS TO TALK TO ME JUST LET HER!" I said yelling at them. I saw starlight flying to me when she got to me. She hug my face and start to cry I was worried now why was she crying. Than I saw was all black that was where I passed out.

'Time skip'

Megatron/Ultron pov.
I wake up and I was tied up I look around for starlight. When I find her she was looking at with sad and hurt eyes but why. "Starlight why are you sad did something happened" I said with a worried look. She look at me with surprised look but why. I saw the autobots and three male humans look at us in a protective way but I ignore it. I look back at starlight. "You remember me?" Said starlight with a soft voice. Than "yes I do why would I forget you , your sisters and your brothers". She look at me and started crying again than she fly to me and hug my face "WHERE WERE YOU WE MISS YOU SO MUCH" she said yelling and crying. I was hurt I didn't mean to make my childens worry about me. Than she sit on the floor and look at me with a happy smile but still had tears in her eyes. All the autobots and the two male humans look at us with surprised look but A male human look mad he went here and grab starlight hard "come on starlight we have to go" said the human pulling her hard to leave me "a-agent Fowler y-your hurting m-me" said starlight in a little pain. That it he is hurting her no one get away with that not even my guild members. I transform to my real form.

 I transform to my real form

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"Let.Her.Go.NOW" I said with anger in my voice.

Starlight pov.
Oh no Father is mad. I have to stop before he kills agent Fowler. "Father!" I yelled to stop him. He look at me with a mad face but it went soft when he was looking at me. I looked at the autobots , jack, Raf , and agent Fowler. They look at us with a shock look while agent Fowler look like he was killed. "Hurt my child again and I will make sure to killed you very slowly got it" my father said in a threatening voice to agent Fowler. Agent fowler nodded because he fear my father. I saw optimus in the corner of my eye he was a little blue while looking at my father. Oh I know what going on he likes my father and I think my father likes him too. "Who really are you Megatron" acree said while giving him a glare. "Well acree Megatron is not my real name my real name is Ultron and the father of starlight and many more" my father said in a calm voice than a portal came. I know who it was. I see the autobots in a fighting style. I can tell my father know who it was and was happy. Who came from the portal was.......... Grim reaper. One of my brothers
(How he looks like)

 One of my brothers(How he looks like)

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(pardon me if it is short well I hope you enjoy it bye until next time)

Transformers Prime/overlord: Megatron and miko secret Where stories live. Discover now