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Grim reaper pov.
I came from the portal and look for my sister. Starlight. I was looking for her because she called me to go find her and she had to tell me something important. When I saw her and also I saw someone else it was........... My father. I was happy that father is here and we can go back to home. "Father" I said while bowing to him. "My son there is no need to bow to me" Father said in a calm and strong voice. I got up to see there is other people's in here too. I look at them "father who are they" I said in a calm voice. "They are the autobots named arcee , bulkhead , bumblebee , ratched , and optimus. Then the 3 male humans are named Jack , Raf , and agent fowler" father said in a calm but when he said agent Fowler named his voice was fill with anger. "Father what happened to make him anger you" I said with curious of what happened. "Well he hurt starlight so I was going to kill him but starlight stop me so I stop." Father said. Oh I am mad how dare he hurt one of my sisters. I look at starlight and fly to her and hugged her in a protective way. "If one of you hurt my family or one of them I will kill you very slowly" I said in a threatening and anger voice. I felt starlight hugging me. "Brother calm down I am fine they will not hurt me so calm down" Starlight said with a calm and motherly voice. So I calm down for her. "May I ask who are you" Optimus said in a calm voice. I look at him. "Well my name is Grim reaper and one of the sons of Ultron" I said with a proud voice. They look shocked to know I was one of his sons.

Starlight pov.
When Grim said that. The autobots and Jack , Raf , and agent Fowler had a shocked face that father give a happy laugh we all look at him. "I am happy to see you starlight and Grim but where are your other sisters and brothers" He said with a happy voice but his voice became worried when he ask where my other sisters and brothers. "Father angel , lily , and levy stay home because we don't want to get then hurt and the others are all here but I do not know where so I try to call they so we have to wait" I said in a sad voice. My father and brother saw this and sigh. "My childrens I want you to rest for now ok?" Father said in a calm and sad voice. Me and Grim nodded at him

(Sorry if it is short but I hope you enjoy it bye)

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