Not Once but Twice

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I see Stone grab Finn by the neck.

Oh my god. He is going to kill him.

"STONE STOP." I scream

He pushed Finn to the ground and started punching him

Soon enough I started seeing blood splatter. 

"STONE I HATE YOU." I screamed to the stop of my lungs. 

He looked up and saw my eyes having literal water falls coming out of them and let Finn go and let me tell you Finn ran as fast as he could to get out.

I don't really care that way for Finn, but that doesn't mean I want to see him get the life punched out of him

This is my fault.

Stone deserves it.

I ran upstairs to my room. 

Next thing I know Stone bust through my door.


"Nothing STONE." I said

I'm so done, but this is your fault Ava

Shut up Ava

"I wanted to make you mad not murderous." I said honestly

He walk over and sits on my bed.

"Really?" He said


I feel his hand touch my thigh

What is he doing?

"This is the second time you made me mad." He said

He kept moving his hand up.

Is it hot in here?

"Stone." I said 

"Cupcake you crossed me not once but twice."

"Did you enjoy kissing him?" 

"No." I said 

"You are only allowed to be touched by me."

I feel his reach my you know.

"First time?" He asked

Can he tell?

Duh your breathing like your having a stroke.

He tells me to lay back. 

He gets on top of me and slowly goes down me kissing every place that he can.

He gets down there and takes my panties off.

Why am I okay with this?

We are not even dating.

I feel his tongue.

Oh My God.

He inters not one but two fingers in me.

"Moan for me."

I did as he said.

I started getting this feeling in my stomach.




I let go and oh my god.

That feeling.

"Feels good?" He grinned

He comes up and kisses me.

"I need to get to bed."

He is just going to leave?

"K, goodnight." I said.

He looked at me weird.

I think it is because I didn't say I love you. 

I'm going to hop in the shower.


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