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It has been a week since mom passed. 

Also been a week of no Stone.

It has been a week of being alone.

In a empty house.

Allen asked to come over a few times but I couldn't make myself ready for company yet.

Today is different.

I'm going to party with Allen.

He helped pick out this pretty yellow dress that really suits me so I'm wearing that.

I get ready then soon after I see Allen pull up in the drive way so I lock the door and head to his car.

I put on the smile.

You know the fake one?

Yeah so we arrive and the first think I go for is the drinks.

Allen goes off with his boyfriend.

To my totally not totally surprise I see Stone on the couch with a slut on him.

There is a few more guys on the other couch so I make my way over there.

Pay back.

I go up to one of them and sit on his lap.

I think he said his name was Cole?

I see Stone tense up.

Fuck you Stone.

"Hey Stone." I say smiling.

"Who is she?" The slut said.

"Who am I? Well I'm the hottest bitch in the room. Who are you?"

Stone looked shocked by my choice of words.

She didn't say anything after that.

I whispered in Coles ear and asked him does he want to dance with me.

He of course said yes. 

So we moved to the dance floor.

He was pushing his area against me at this point.

Honestly I was just vibing.

Until I feel someone grab my arm.


He pulls me upstairs into a room and locks it.

'What the fuck Stone."

"Watch your ugly mouth."

"So I'm ugly now? Go fuck with your slut."

"What has got into you Ava?"

"What has got into me? Your kidding. You should just kill me already Stone. End my life for me."

"Ava what the fuck are you talking about."

"A special someone told me you kill families and children they also told me you  let someone live with you then you exchanged I love yous then you killed her."


"What the fuck do you want from me Stone?"

"Tell me what is going on."

"You want me to tell YOU what is going on. Fine but as soon as I do you let me out of this room. Deal?"


I sit on the bed in the room because damn my legs are tired.

"So I went to my moms that day and basically told me she was dying from cance-."

"Ava I am so sorry."

"Let me finish asshole."

"Anyways that night I came to that party you know the one where you took  my fucking virginity then left me. I am not mad because you took while I was drunk but the fact you walked out after. You fucking asshole. Then next thing I know my mother is dead. I come here tonight and see you fucking another girl. So with telling you that I am going to leave."

I opened the door and went downstairs.

I hear Stone call my name over and over but I ran through crowds to get outside.

I need to go home.

I started walking because I don't want to ruin Allen's night out.

I want to die.

I need to die.

I feel sick.

How did my life get to this point?

I hear a car pull up.

"Ava get in the fucking car."

I did what Stone said only because my feet hurt.

He didn't speak.

I think he knew I didn't want to hear it.

We pull up to my house and I get out but so does he.

I ignore it.



"Ava can we talk?"

"Sure Stone."

"I am sorry."

"You little funny little shit. Your sorry because my mom died."

"Ava listen I love you. Okay? You know how hard it is for me to love? Those rumors were fake okay. I always tell the truth. I don't lie. Fuck Ava. I never had love in my life. I was raised in a gang. I never had hugs. I never did anything normal kids got to do. I had to fight. Fight fight fight. I didn't know love was real until you dammit."

"That is all great but I need a shower." I said 

I know he is opening up to me but I am drunk.

I just want to sleep.

I get in the shower then I felt someone behind me


"What are you doing?"

"Showering with my girl."

"Not your girl Stone."

"You will  be my wife one day Ava."

I turned around and faced him.

I want to kiss him.

Kiss him Ava

Do it.

All lips clashed and I felt heat.

It was a hungry kiss. 

This kiss is like ones in the fictional stories.

All are anger went into it.

I pulled away and looked at him.

He is vulnerable.

He was alone.

I was alone.

We are together.

No Ava.

He washes me and I wash him then we get out.

He just puts his boxers on.

I just put my undies and bug t-shirt on.

I never thought I would be this comfortable with anyone before.

We lay down and I lay my head on his bare chest.

"I love you Av."

"I love you Stone but please stop hurting me."

"I promise. From now on its us against the world."

With that we went to sleep.


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