Another Glass

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Before I can get up to go see who it was. Drunk Stone busted through my door.

"Stone." I say in whisper.

"You know I think you are the first girl to break my heart." He said.

"I didn't break your heart. You broke mine." I was starting to cry. He came and sat at the edge of my bed. I'm curled up at the top.

"Let me explain." He said.

"You. Ever since that day at the locker, you had me. You see like I said before I didn't have anything to lose. I'm in a gang Ava. Does that mean anything to you? because even though I took you away from your parents, your still in danger. Why? Well because your the gang leaders girl. "

"I know Stone." I said 

"You cant leave me."

"You saved me."

"SHUT UP AVA." He took my cup of water and slammed it against the wall. 

"Do you not understand?"

"I'm trying to tell you, you are more in danger with me."

"I don't care." I say

"I love you Ava and that is the reason I cant be seen with you."

"I mean that as nice as possible I cant put you in more danger."

Here he goes trying to convince himself of something that isn't true.

"Go Stone."

"You want to go so bad go, leave." I said in a attitude. He deserves it. Someone peed in his orange juice today.

"I don't want to go Ava."

"You are sure acting like it." I said.

He got off my bed and went to his room. I could hear his shower begin to run

I put on a hoodie because I was cold and decided to lay in bed and peacefully cry myself to sleep.

How could he do this?

Tells me not to go to school? I hate school but it would be nice for public school to be a option.

What am I supposed to tell Allen?

My mom wants me to me out of school?

The truth?

Ill sound crazy.

This is crazy.

Why am I okay with it being like this?

Its like I'm being pulled to him.

I here him walking towards my room and to my not surprise no shirt and sweatpants Stone walks in.

"Listen baby."

He is leaning up against the door frame.

"One day we will be together."

"One day I will have control of everything."

"One day this will all make sense."

"Until then sleep."

"It will be okay soon."

"Goodnight baby."

With that he left.

I get up and hop in the shower. Not being fazed by the late time. 


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