Chapter 4: Meeting the Strongest Swordsman and he the Father!

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At Tassel

Tassel: Bonne lecture, my friend!

As Tassel magically pop out of nowhere and facing to the camera and toward at the reader. And instead sitting down of his chair like he always do.

Tassel: I am currently worried toward at the future Novelist and the swordsman high school student, (Y/N) Schwarzer. Why you ask?

Showing of the book opens with the pop up page to showing of the theater like to showing what happened from previous chapters.

Tassel: Long time ago, there is the war has been started long ago since the amazing and powerful books has been split and shattered. And now (Y/N) has been chosen to transformed into Kamen rider Saber! Alongside with his partner, Brave Dragon.... And he has met with the other Swordsmen like Leon and Clyde. They are chosen to be saving the worlds!

As Tassel started out and laughing for the bit in joys. And he place of the serious expression.

Tassel: But since last time.... There is the new Kamen rider appeared before (Y/N) and Leon. Who on Wonder is he?! Is a friend or foe?

At Class VII Dorm

Class VII: EHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!?!?!

There is the sound of loudly coming from the outburst from outside of the Class VII's dorm building.

And zooming inside of the building, seeing the class VII with the surprised looks expression on their faces and staring at (Y/N) with the few injury bruises around on his body.

(Y/N): Please quiet down, ittai.

As he wince in pain when Emma place the cotton cover with the liquid close toward at his injury bruises.

As Emma starts sorry and continue carefully to treated his injury to be healed up, before (Y/N) looks toward at them.

Elliot: So..... Do you know about of the know and other rider?

Leon: No.... I never seen him before. His armor is black, silver and bronze. I see the love hearts shapes around on his shoulders, chest, his visor and driver. But.... I never seen him before around with the Sword of Logos.

[Lion Senki: That is true but..... I don't sense the new other rider using the Wonder Ride Book with him.]

Making everyone turns toward at the Book Spirit partner with the surprised looks expression, on their faces.

[Brave Dragon: Yeah.... That is true. We're never seen him around here like the thousands years ago. But I know what he using the powers without the Wonder Ride Books.]

(Y/N): Really?! Tell us?!

[Brave Dragon: Yeah.... Ever since we're saw him fighting and unexpected out of nowhere. But.... He uses the powers of Cards that sealed on the monsters that granted the user to using of the monster's powers.]

As the riders started to be remembering of the Kamen rider Chalice fighting and uses the card.

Machias: That's impossible! You're saying the monster you faced is different then the other Megiddo.

[Lion Senki: Yeah, that's right. But..... That Kamen rider..... It's feel like it's isn't human.]

He said with the serious expressions on his face.

Making everyone let out of the opens wide and gasped, staring toward at them thinking the rider isn't human.

Leon: A Kamen rider isn't human? That's impossible! Only the Swordsman as Human transformed as Kamen riders. And there is the another one? 

Kamen rider Saber x Legends of Heroes: Trails of Colds Steel: Swordsman of FateWhere stories live. Discover now