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My plan was simple- I was going to break into the building where Taehyung's sister was kept. But first, I'd had to find out where she was. Seokjung knew I existed, thanks to Taehyung. But he didn't know my face.

He was about to see the face that was going to take everything good away from him.

After finding Hyemin's location, I'd break in, rescue her without being noticed. It wasn't an easy task. There was security. I just didn't know whether to involve the police or not.

I still don't trust the police. They might even tell the whole world about Y/n without getting Hyemin to safety just for popularity and the public's approval. But no one would know what's going behind the scenes.

For all I knew about Seokjung, he was a mama's boy. He had a younger brother, Seokjin, who seemed cleverer than him. I was pretty sure he wasn't spoiled like Seokjung since his parents never treated him as nicely. He barely appeared in interviews and magazines.

So, if there was any way I could get to Seokjung's father, who was supposed to decide which son would take over the company, I needed to take that way. I didn't want Seokjung to have what he wanted. I wanted to destroy him and damage him permanently. Of course- his father didn't want the company to go into the hands of someone this stupid and perverted.

I sat in my balcony, thinking about what I was about to do when I got a call from Taehyung.

"What have you decided?" He asked. Of course he wanted to know about it. His sister's life depended on it.

"I need to find your sister's location. For that, we need to track Seokjung's calls. I literally have no idea how to do that. But we cannot involve the police. We need to find a way to find his location or just simply hack into his phone or something." I said all this so quickly it made me feel stupid. I said a few more things about my plan.

Taehyung stayed quiet for a while, which was weird. Then he spoke up, "I know just the person. Meet me outside your home in five."


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