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The plan came together and we were to act immediately. It was too risky to wait.

Me, Jungkook and Hoseok drove to the store while Taehyung stayed at the apartment. He was a backup, in case things went the wrong way.

The place wasn't very far, but it was outside the rough-looking neighborhood that Jungkook and Hoseok called home. It was a big shop, there were different sections and all. The store room ought to be huge, or maybe it had compartments.

We didn't park in front of the store. Instead, I stopped behind the place. There weren't many people here, so I thought it safe to come out. The car remained there while Hobi went to the front of the building, ready to create the distraction. We were supposed to send him a text telling him when to do it and if it's safe to do it.

The back door was right there and it was locked. It had an old fashioned lock which could be picked by a hairpin. We had that covered, thanks to Hoseok.

I let Jungkook pick the lock. It opened easily and I entered the darkly lit room. Jungkook stayed outside guarding the door. He texted Hoseok and Taehyung. Hoseok was supposed to create a commotion.

I went further inside. The room looked more like a rest room than a storeroom.

That's when I saw a figure sitting on the corner of a single bed. It was Hyemin. She looked scared but she wasn't crying. She hadn't noticed me so I walked towards her.

"Hi, Hyemin." I said, trying to keep my voice soft and low so she wouldn't get scared.

Her eyes shot up and she was terrified. "W-Who are y-you?" She was panicking.

"Relax, I am here to get you out of here."

She obviously didn't believe that. "Where is m-my brother?"

"Taehyung sent me. I am going to take you back to him." I replied. I heard some voices coming from the store. That would be Hoseok. He was supposed to make a huge argument.

I continued, "Its alright now. We are here."

"Who else is there?" She asked.

"Do you remember Jungkook? He is here, waiting outside. Come on, let's go." I gestured towards the exit. She slowly nodded and stood up.

Just as I reached for the door, it burst open and Jungkook stumbled inside. Behind him were two guys I didn't recognise and one of them pushed me back in.

What the..?

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