{~Little did i know..~}

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                       Vietnam P.o.v

" I remember the day we meet. "
" Yeah, .It was the best day of my life! " I cuddled up against China. I like him.. but every guy I ever dated went missing.. I didn't want that to happen to him.. I wish we could be more then friends.. He was so kind and loveable.

But, he the REASON their all GONE....

But I didn't know..

" How has your college been treating you? " China asked, while wrapping his arm around me. " Hmm.. It's been pretty calm. What about you? " I asked, melting into his warm and comforting embrace. " It's been good, but I rather be right next to you. " He said, leaning his head on mine. I blushed. " Your funny. " I giggled. " I wasn't joking shortie. " D- did he just call me short!? "  I shouted, flustered. He just laughed at me. " Calm down. " He said, pulling mr closer. I closed my eyes, His embrace made feel safe, warm, and protected. I slowly fall asleep.

                { A few hours later }

I woke in somebody house. It didn't seem familiar at all.. I heard voices. I closed my eyes and didn't move. " North you know what your job is. " " Yeah, yeah. I'm going to go do it now. " " Okay, good make sure nobody is there to witness it. " " I know. I'll see you when I get home. " " Bye. " I heard the door open then close. While somebody sat at my feet. They said North. Hmm.. North korea..? Maybe.. The guy voice matched North Korea voice. But who sitting at my feet.. I yawned tried acting like a I just woke up. My glasses they was missing.. " I see your awake. " The voice said. " Y- yeah.. C- can you give me my glasses..? " There flag was red.. Soviet? China? Those are the only people who would talk to North Korea.
" Yeah. Of course. " The voice said as he helped me put my glasses on. It was China. " Where am I..? " i asked, a little scared. " My place. I dont know where you live and you fall asleep. So I just bought you here. " he said. " Okay! "
I saw him smile but it was a unsettling smile.. Shivers went down my back.
   " You okay China..? " I asked. " Yeah. Just don't want North to fail. " " Fail what? " " Umm.. his.. Test! " " Okay. Do you like North..? " I asked. " What!? No! " he shouted, angrily. " S- sorry.. " I stuttered, covering up with blankets. " No I'm sorry I shouldn't have shouted at you. " He said cuddling up on me. He looked so peaceful, and cute. I blushed at my thoughts. " You okay? Your redder then usually. " China asked, looking up at me. " Y- yep! " I chucked out.  " What time is it!? " I jolted up, remembering I was post to go talk to Canada since her two husband's was fighting in war against her own brother. " Hmm Nine thirty. " So I have thirty minutes to get there! " I need to go! " " Okay. " I got up and headed towards Canada house. 

                { When she arrived }

" Sorry! " " It's okay. " She hugged me. " I'm sorry about what happened with you and your family.. " She started to tear up. " Hey! It's okay! " I wiped away her tears. " I- I'm scared I'm going to lose them.. " She sat down. " They are both strong. " I know.. But America.. " I just comforted her. We sat there talking for a few hours. I was going to stay the night with her. It was midnight by the time we went to bed.

                  { In the morning }

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I was sleeping in the guest bedroom. I went downstairs to see Germany drinking coffee and Russia passed out on the couch. " I told you they would be fine! " I giggled, walking over to Canada. " Yeah, thanks for staying over and dealing with me. " " It was no problem. " " Would you like me to drive you home? " " Nah. I'll get Philip to come get me. " " Okay. Here some pancakes. " I eat the delicious pancakes! They tasted amazing! " Thanks I'm going to go call Philip. " I headed upstairs. I could heard Canada giggling.
They were all perfect together. I picked up my phone and called Philippines.

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