{~ !BREAK NEWS! ~}

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I had just gotten of the phone with Philippines. I went downstairs to wait on him to come get me. I saw Russia was up, " I see the alcoholic is wake. "
" Oh Shut up Vietnam. " " Looks like somebody grumpy! " I chuckled. " How are you doing buddy? " I sat down on the couch. " Good.. America finally got over the fact that his sister is hotter then him. " He smirked. " That's good. So how you been doing with them? " I asked, some what curious. " Hmm.. Germany and I go out and drink alot. Canada normally stays home and doesn't really leave due to the 'Accident'.. " He looked down. " Hey! Things will get bett- " I got cut of by the TV. " Break new! There has been two dead bodys found. These people are South Korea and Malaysia..  We have a few murder suspects. Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China.. Please contact 911 if you have any clues that could help. " I felt my eyes start to sting, feel tears pour down my face.. My best friends.. T-their gone.. " Hey, it's okay.. " I felt Russia try to comfort me, but my bestfriends their dead... " How the hell is Canada a suspect!? SHE BEEN HOME ALL WEEK!? " Germany shouted. I don't blame him, I would be pissed too if my friends didn't die. " Calm down Germany. " " No. They have been coming after you ever since we got together I'm going to put a end to this! "
" Germany, it's okay.." Those two started to talk about and Russia tried to comfort me. He knows what it like to lose a bestfriend.. I cried myself to sleep.

                    { The Next Day }

I woke up at my place, the warm comfort of my blanket and stuffed animals made me feel tired.  I was slowly falling back to sleep when, I heard my door open. I looked up to see Philip, he was holding a tray that had a bowl and most likely a cup if tea.
" Hey Viet... How are you...? " I felt as my bed started to sink in, I sat up.
" Hey... I'm good... What about you...?  " I frowned, looking over to Phil.
" I made you some soup.. You probably have a headache from all that crying... "
He sat the tray into my lap, I smiled.
" Thanks, how are you doing with it? "
I asked, while starting to eat the chicken soup. I heard him sigh.
" I-i don't k-know how to feel... "
I sat the tray on my nightstand. I wrapped my arms around Philippines. He bursted out in tears, while I rubbed his back. " I'm scared... They were my best friends.. " He said between his cries. " Hey, hey... I'm still here, I promise to never leave. " I was trying to hold back my tears, but failed. I broke out in tears.

A few hours had passed on by, I was watching TV in my room while cuddling Philip. He was reading some book, trying to get his mind off the awful murder... I heard a knock at the front door, me and Philippines both walked downstairs in silence, the only noise my was TV playing Golden Girls.

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