{ God... What have i done to deserve this... }

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I ran downstairs breathing heavily, I know who had a part in the killing of my BEST FRIEND!!! I went over to the house phone, and started dialing up 911... I felt somebody hand around my wrist...

I froze.... in complete shook...

" No need, to do that 'love' "

I felt his grip tighten as he said love, I start to shake and hyperventilate. I felt China put the phone back up, and say threats, into my ear... I started to panic, then I snapped out of it. I turned around back handing China in the face, " Y-Y... YOU MONSTER! " I shouted, at him... That was my 1st mistake. I felt him grab my wrist, and pull my wrists together. I whimpered in pain, as he held my wrist with one hand.
" I will show you monster, love.... You are mine, and NOBODY elses...  " He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. " You understand..? " He looked at me with this sick twisted grin. " I-i.... " was all I could get out, with tears rolling down my face.  I  closed my eyes.. I felt him tightening his grip around my wrist and mumble something.. I felt as his lips touched mine...


. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Let's just say the rest was....


Haha! I-... I have a really bad messed up mind so... this book is going to be f*cked up. :> Good luck!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2020 ⏰

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