{ What in the living.... Hell... }

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Juicy and SHORT CHAPTER! :>>>>

I opened the door to see Hong Kong, South Korea, North Korea, Japan twin brother ( I see Japan as twins ), and China. North Korea just pushed his way in, I tried to say something when I felt China pick me, I saw South Korea pick up Philippines. " C-China..? What happening!? " I shouted, I felt as China carried me upstairs, I saw as the others left. The only thought running my mind was ' WHAT IN THE LIVING HELL GOING ON!? ' I felt as China sat me down, his stare was cold. " Vietnam. " He said, putting his cold hands on my shoulders. His grip was strong, and bruising.. I let out a whimper in pain.
" S-sorry. " He loosened his grip.
" W-what are you doing here..? " I stuttered out, looking at him. " I thought I would come to comfort you, while South Korea take Phil out on a... 'Date'. "
He said, sitting down beside me. The way he said date scared me.
" Okay. " I crawled up my bed, I cuddled up with my covers. I felt China cuddled me, I felt weird and uncomfortable.. I tried to ignore the man cuddling me.

A few hours passed on by like it was nothing. Ever since a hour or two ago, I felt like I was being watched..
" China... Are you still awake..? " I felt him nodding. " D-do you feel like your b-being watched..? " I asked, looking around my room. " Mhmm...  " He hummed, he sat up looking down at me. God did hate that he had to look down at me or lean down. He was always a b*tch about it. I got out and went to my bathroom, I need to brush my teeth, and to get changed. As I shut the door, I heard China on the phone. Say something along the lines of....
' No, no... Don't put the body in the river, Just cremate it.... ' I thought I just misheard him... sadly I didn't... The next morning, it would be announced that Philippines would be 'MISSING'....

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