ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 4

201 10 3

3.R.D Person P.O.V

The crowed was in shock after hearing what Brandon had announced " The first Trainer to ever defeat the Battle Frontier is no other than Ash Ketchum" he said with Authority.

Everyone: " WH.AA.TTT !!!"

Ash:" Yep that's me" he said with a sarcastic voice as then multiple people started swarming him with questions.

Clement: " You've beaten the Battle Frontier"

Bonnie: " You battled Articuno and defeated it"

Sawyer: " What Pokémon did you use ?" he asked with with his notebook preparing to write down notes.

But before Ash could say anything a voice with a firm tone caused the entire audience to stop talking " SILENCE !!" said the man, they looked up to see the Pyramid King with a bit of anger in his face. The crowd stood in fear, even Dianthia was in a state of fear as she gulped while maintaining composure. Brandon then spoke in a calm tone: " Forgive me for that out-burst everyone" he said which surprised everyone he then began to speak: " To answer all of your questions each Frontier brain will give a brief summary on Ash's battles starting off with Noland" Brandon said as the factory Head Noland came forward to summarize his battle with Ash.

Noland: " Thank you Brandon but before we get into my battle with Ash I want to talk a little bit about my self. I'm the Head of the Battle Factory and I like to invent things like planes and other vehicles in my spare time. As for why I hold the Knowledge symbol is because I let the challengers choose the Pokémon that they want to battle against me in order to expand their Knowledge of different Pokémon types." He explained as the crowed was listening. he then told the story on how he met Articuno and how they became friends which surprised the audience even the champion. Then came Ash's battle: " When I first met Ash, he was determined to win his first symbol but he had trouble deciding which of my Pokémon to battle with. It wasn't until him and his friends saw Articuno near my hanger and I told them about our friendship, that was then Ash decided to have a battle with Articuno. And the Pokémon that he chose to battle Articuno was....... his CHARIZARD ! " he said with a confident voice.

The crowed went silent for a moment they couldn't believe what they heard. Ash Ketchum Defeated Articuno with a Charizard soon people started shouting out questions to see if it was true.

Trevor: " You have a Charizard Ash ?"

Sawyer: " What was the battle like ?"

Bonnie: " Why didn't you use him in the Finals !?"

Ash: " I.. I... Uhhh..... yoouuu...... seee" He tried to explain but was cut off.

Noland: " Alright settle down people, no need to bombard the young man here. The battle was intense and well fought, both Pokémon were giving it their all. Ash was doing good at first, but I didn't hold back either as I battled with strategy and precision. When both Pokémon were at their weakest point Ash surprised me by using a fighting type move against a flying type like Artiuicno which gave him the victory against me and thus winning the Knowledge Symbol." Noland said as he finish each speech. Alain then went up to Ash and said: " Hey Ash I'd love to battle your Charizard against mine, promise me that" He said and Ash replied with a "sure".

After his speech the rest of the Frontier Brains gave a summary of Ash's battle. The last one was Brandon's battle, Brandon first describe the day he met Ash as an arrogant trainer who was immature, and cocky. Battle after battle Ash changed his ways and showed his determination towards the pyramid King. " And after his third battle against me using his original team from Kanto he was able to beat Regice and earned himself the 7th frontier symbol earning the title Battle Frontier Champion" Brandon said as he concluded his speech which everyone applauded, Dianthia then asked: " You mentioned that there was a second trainer who won at the Battle Frontier, who is this trainer ?" she asked.

Detective Ketchum, A Pokemon story ( On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now