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Konoha knew what he did wrong and it was stupid of him. Why? Why did I have to bring up her parents at a time like this? Idiot.

"Just so you know, I'm not mad at you." Kurihara turned to him. Their eyes met at a certain point and she locked her gaze on him. "I'm just... jealous. You get to talk with your mom like that. Sorry, I shouldn't even be mad about this."

Konoha frowned. It was his fault, wasn't it? He was the one who had triggered her. He started looking away again. Kurihara felt bad for doing him like that and she stopped walking.

They were just a few streets away from the school. She turned, looked him dead in the eye and placed her hand on his left shoulder. "I'll make it up to you. What do you want? A popsicle from the convenience store? Dinner? We didn't get to have any last night..."

"But you didn't do anything wrong-" Konoha protested. Kurihara shook her head. "I stayed the night at your place and completely wrecked you in Smash Bros. I think I personally owe you one."

Konoha raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Is this a date? My sweetest has come to truly love me!" Her face went mad red and she stepped on his toe only before running away. Konoha winced. "Hey wait up!"

Kurihara was annoyed. Why would he say that? It was just a tease... yeah, just a tease. But what if he's serious- "Stupid Akinori. Stupid. Stupid. Stu-"

"Kurihara-chan! Where did you go last night? Keiji said you weren't at home, and he was worried. I figured that you were just with Kaori or Yukie, right?" Bokuto said, approaching her.

Akaashi came from behind Bokuto and asked the same question. She fumbled with her fingers and struggled to come up with an answer. Kurihara felt a reassuring hand being placed on her shoulder.

"My place. What's it to you? You just sat there and watched her get into a fight with her parents for no good reason." Konoha said, coming up behind the three of them.

Konoha... come to think of it, this was the third time this week that he had defended me. The raven haired girl snapped back and looked her younger brother and Bokuto in the eyes and simply nodded. "Yeah, Akinori took me to his."

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