3: A Little Thing Called Dancing.

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I was hauled up in my dorm, frantically searching through my outfits. "Darryl, help me! The party started in 30 minutes and I literally have nothing!"

Darryl was just laughing at my antics as he played on one of my older coded mods. "It's not like you have to go in a suit and tie, just find something comfortable!"

"You are dragging me into this, you've gotta help!" I gave a frustrated grown, stomping over and turning off the PC. He protested but reluctantly stood and came over to my closet. He gave a quick pass over the outfits, pulling out a simple hoodie and jeans. 

"See? All you've gotta be is comfortable." He smirked, flopping onto my bed and playing on his phone. I saw him smiling at the screen, a slight tinge of pink blossoming on his cheeks. I rolled my eyes and tossed a pillow at him, earning a small glare.

"Quit flirting with whoever and get out, I've gotta change!" I herded him out the door, sighing and pressing my forehead to the wood.

I don't know why I ever agreed to going, I'd rather sit in my bed dealing with Darryl's moping over physically going into a house full of drunk college students. Frankly, my anxiety was only peaking at the idea of being near Clay somewhere where I couldn't admire from afar, and could even have a normal conversation. That was where I drew the line.

Throughout high school, I'd always been the outcast who had no chance with anyone, especially the hot straight guys on the football team. I would stare dreamily from my lunch table in the corner with full acceptance that nothing could happen, since there wasn't a way for me to ever talk to them anyways. But now, I was actually going out on a Saturday night, partying with the most well-known and respected guys on campus, and I was supposed to act like it was all normal. Hell, I couldn't talk about much more then technology, what did those athletes even discuss?!

With a small groan I finished changing, sliding out of the door with a gloomy expression. Darryl was still smiling at his phone, but quickly snapped up when he noticed my current demeanor. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you scared?"

I sighed, massaging my temples slightly before beginning the stroll down the hallway, my friend following close on my heels. "No, I just- what do I do there? Am I supposed to get totally wasted? I don't even know what being drunk is like!" Darryl gave a small chuckle, patting my back.

"You don't have to drink anything if you don't wanna, I really just want you to get yourself out there more y'know? I've been on the team for almost 2 years now and I've gotta say, those guys are some of the funniest I've met. You'll get along great!" He gave a reassuring smile, letting off a small weight from my dreading heart. Still, he was oblivious to my true reasons, but maybe I'd fill him in eventually.


The house was chosen due to one of the seniors in that fraternity being on the swim team. I gulped, already feeling the pulse of music from the outside. I doubted it would take long before a noise complaint would be called. I hesitated, feeling my anxiety peaking once more. Darryl slung an arm over my shoulder, guiding me towards the door. "Deep breaths, George. It might be a little overwhelming once you first step in, but I promise it'll get better." He gave a big grin, pushing open the door and flinging us in.

I immediately wanted to leave.

The music made me feel like my eardrums were going to burst and I longed for the pure silence of my dorm. There were people everywhere, swimmers, of course, from both the male and female team, along with friends, and their friends, and their friend's friends... you get the point. The house was packed, and I wasn't even sure where to go. I reached over for Darryl's arm, only to feel air. I whipped around, realizing that my partner was nowhere to be found. Oh no. My brain started to spin and I stepped into a room full of dancing people, stumbling and bumping into someone. "Woah, watch where you're going- oh, hey, you good man?"

I turned quickly, the surprise and fear in my eyes most likely obvious. He glanced over at who he was talking to, before turning to me and bringing me over to a corner.

"What's wrong? You look pretty freaked out, are you on something? I swear I told them no drugs.." He paused, noticing how my body was trembling and my eyes were teary. I let out a stifled gasp, not even realizing I'd been holding my breath.

"S-sorry, I just lost my friend and.. and I've never been to a party before. Just a bit much." I gave a nervous chuckle, using the heel of my palm to wipe away any forming tears. I immediately felt dorky, knowing that crying the minute you walk into your first party is not a great way to introduce yourself.

"Hey, don't worry about it! I remember my first party too, it was a lot. This is pretty much that but on steroids. I'm willing to hang with you until your friend comes around, er..." He paused, looking to me expectantly.

I tilted my head before realizing what he meant. "Oh, George. George Davidson." I mentally slapped myself for acting formal. Just a first name would've been fine.

He chuckled, holding out a hand to shake. "The name's Nick. Nick Litle. Wanna go get drinks? We can head to the back patio, it'll likely be a little quieter there." I nodded, feeling an overwhelming sense of ease at this stranger's kindness. I don't think I would've survived if I hadn't run into him.

As we made our way into the kitchen, I was hit with the strong scent of alcohol. I flinched, never really understanding the urge to have any of the bitter drinks. Nick went forwards and grabbed us two red solo cups, each filled with what I assumed to be beer. Afterwards, we headed out onto the back patio, overlooking more drunk college students dancing and talking incoherently to the moon. Nick laughed, watching some kid run and dive right into the fence, most likely attempting to break the damn thing but receiving a bunch of bruises when it "surprisingly" failed.

"Shit, some kids go wild. I've had my fair share of stupid moments, but these people are ballistic." He laughed, I followed suit to ease up a bit. "So George, tell me about yourself. You do any sports? I'm guessing you aren't on the swim team, since, well, I've never seen you there."

I laughed slightly. "Eh, I'm not really an athletic person. I'm more into computers." I cringed, realizing that I went to the singular thing I was trying to avoid. Oh well, once a nerd, always a nerd.

"Oh really? That's neat, I have a buddy who wanted to try computer science next semester, maybe you can help him out!" Nick grinned. Suddenly, someone shouted from the yard and came running over. I felt my heart drop immediately.

"Sap! Someone's throwing up in the bushes, I'm pretty sure it was getting on your roses." 

"What?!" He screeched, forcing his cup into my hand. "No one touches my flowers, they're outta here!" And with that, he charged off.

The man turned to me, giving me a curious look. "Are you a friend of Nick's? You look kinda familiar, do I know you from the coffee shop?" I gave a small smile, while my mind was literally doing summersaults.

In front of me was Clay, THE Clay. The Clay I was hoping to casually slip around and not confront. Of course, I just HAD to find one of his friends to attract him over. "Oh, uh, y-yeah." Stop stuttering! I cleared my throat. "Yep, that's me, coffee shop boy." I'm gonna kill myself.

Clay laughed, his perfect smile showing brightly. God, he literally makes me melt. "Yeah, I see you in that back corner almost every day. The tea and scone, right?" I gave a slight smile, knowing my cheeks had to be at least somewhat pink. "How come Nick hasn't invited you before? You seem like good friends."

"Oh, I came with Darryl, but he kinda ditched me..." I wrapped my arms around myself, trying to calm the nerves which were literally tightening my throat.

"He did? Doesn't seem like him. Ah, well you can stick around me then! Here, we can head inside and have some fun!" He reached forwards and grabbed my arm, dragging me inside. I could feel myself flaming up from the touch.

He pulled me into the dance room as I yelped, nearly colliding with a few people. We easily made it to the middle, Clay's height allowing him to fit in neatly while I was about the size of the average party girl. "C'mon, loosen up! We can dance until he shows up!" 

I felt the anxiety peaking, the same heart squeezing, teary eyed feeling from before. I looked down to the two cups still in my hand. I'd only heard of the effects of alcohol, never really wanting to experiment with the idea of a hangover looming the next day.

But, right now, I needed everything I could to keep the nerves down. 

So, with a hesitant gulp, I began downing the drink.

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