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"I am very disappointed in you boys" Professor McGonagall said sternly, standing with her arms crossed over her chest in front of James Potter and Sirius Black after their latest fiasco; beating up the Slytherin that was making fun of Remus Lupin, their best mate and Sirius' crush since 3rd year, for being a werewolf.

Blood dripped from James' left nostril, and there was no doubt that Sirius would have one, if not two, black eyes the next day but both both were looking sheepishly at the floor, upset at angering McGonagall. It was no secret to the school that she was their favorite teacher.

"Sorry Minnie" James said meekly, looking as if he wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out.

"Yeah, sorry mum."

The word escaped Sirius' lips before he even knew what he was saying. Mum. It's not like he ever had a real mother, unless you count one who constantly abused you and was on the brink of disowning you. Mum. It's not a harmful word, is it? Sirius thought. No. It was one of something else. Something he had only felt with one other person. Love.

Sirius looked up for a split second, his face a brilliant shade of deep scarlet. He looked back down hastily, mentally cursing himself for his mistake.

If the two boys had looked just a little more closely they would have seen McGonagall's stern look grow just a little softer, and her eyes a little more wider than they were a second before Sirius had said that word. It was no secret those four boys were her favorite students.

And from that day on, McGonagall was just a bit more grateful to see Sirius alive and well every morning, she was just a bit more gracious when Sirius forgot his homework after the full moons, and she smiled just a bit more on the day when Remus Lupin and her son walked into the Great Hall holding hands and grinning shyly for everyone to see.

ok I was excited about this one so please tell me what you think! I am up for taking suggestions for more head cannons too in the comments

- ari

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