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wow I only expected like 3 of my friends to read this but it hit 100 views!!!!!!

thank you guys so much. here is my version of the marauders story from the very beginning, with a hint of wolfstar if you read between the lines

Remus Lupin arrived at platform 9 ¾ alone. His parents had been distancing themselves from him ever since he got bitten, and had dropped him off outside with instructions on how to get on the train.

The young boy navigated his way through the crowd of people surrounding the train and got on, heading into an empty compartment all the way in the back. He sat down on one of the seats and pulled out Hogwarts: A History. He had already read it of course, but he could never get enough of the magnificent castle his father had told him stories about. After a few minutes there was a knock on the compartment door and a taller boy with raven colored hair and round glasses walked in, grinning cockily.

"Mind if I sit here?" he asked, and Remus nodded shyly. Due to his condition he was not used to talking to kids his own age, and the other boy already seemed like he owned the place.

"I'm James Potter," the boy said, holding out his hand for Remus to shake. Remus took it nervously, noticing the boy's unusually firm grip for an 11 year old.

"So, what's your deal?" James asked, sitting on the seat next to Remus.

"Um sorry but I don't quite understand what you mean" He said, already wondering if the little knowledge he had about the wizarding world would put him behind his peers.

"You know, muggle born, pure blood or half blood."

"Oh I'm a half blood, my dad's the wizard", Remus replied, the relief of being able to answer the question clearly in his voice. Just then, there was a knock on the door and a pale boy stood there, a confident smirk on his face. He had long black hair that curled slightly at the ends and the beautiful grey eyes of someone who had been through too much in their short life time.

"Mind if I sit here?" the boy asked, already sitting down opposite Remus, who was still gazing in wonderment at this handsome boy.

"Sure" James replied with a grin. "The name's James Potter".

"I'm Sirius, Sirius Black," The new boy replied. Much to Remus', who had finally stopped staring at the boy, surprise, James' grin dropped immediately and turned to a solemn expression.

"Yes, I know, I'm a Black." Sirius replied, his grin growing even wider at James' expression.

"But you seem... okay?" James said, now just simply confused.

"Yeah, I'm not much like the rest of my family," Sirius said, his eyes growing more hollow at the mention of his family. Remus made a note to ask him about this later. "What houses do you guys want to be in."

"Definitely Gryffindor" James replied, puffing out his chest slightly. "The whole family's been in it. If I were a Hufflepuff I think I'd leave."

"Well as long as you're not Slytherin we can be mates," Sirius smiled. "My whole family's been in Slytherin and I'd love to be the disappointment". At this James grinned too.

"What about you Remus?" James asked, turning to the boy who was now pretending to read amidst his confusion at the conversation. Great, now the grey eyed boy was staring at him.

"I guess Ravenclaw wouldn't be too bad?" Remus , looking at the other boys in fear that he had said the wrong thing. The other two boys nodded their approval, this was clearly a right answer, and Remus went back to silently staring at the pale boy with his beautiful eyes, called Sirius.

Remus didn't know what to think of this new boy. Sure, he seemed funny, but there was a mysterious aura about him that made him more intimidating than the first boy. Not to mention he was gorgeous too, with his high, defined cheekbones and long dark eyelashes that batted over his eyes. Those eyes. This whole time he has been here, Remus had not been able to stop staring at those stunning blue-grey eyes. There was something that the boy was hiding behind those eyes, and Remus had an irresistible urge to figure it out. Before he knew it, the two other boys were chatting away, occasionally asking Remus a question or two but mostly leaving him to his book.

After about ten more minutes, a shorter and rounder boy appeared in the doorway, hands shaking with fear.

"M-mind if I sit with you guys?" the boy asked, eyes wide. "I got kicked out of the other one by some 7th years a-and everywhere else was full."

"As long as you are not related to me in any way, shape or form I'm cool with it" Sirius said, the smirk from when he first came in coming back to his face. Remus hadn't even thought it possible for someone to have that cool a smirk. Must have come from years of practice, Remus thought. He scooted over in his seat, and the boy scrambled up next to him.

"I-I'm Peter Pettigrew" He stammered, his face white with fear and whole body trembling slightly.

"Anyone want to play exploding snap?" James asked, and Sirius and Peter nodded vigorously, while Remus just sat there.

"I'll teach you how, I promise," Sirius said, looking right into Remus's honey brown eyes. Without knowing what he was doing, Remus nodded and put his book away for the first time that morning. There was something about the grey eyed boy that drew him in, in a way he could not explain. Those four boys spent the rest of the train ride and the rest of that year laughing, talking and making the most of their short days together.

ok I know 100 views is really not a lot at all but im still super excited!!!!!!!

also would anyone be interested in a short part 2 with Sirius' sorting?

have a nice day and remember to eat something

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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