after THE prank

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ok this story takes place after THE prank. if you don't know what that is, its when Sirius told Snape to go to the shrieking shack on the full moon. at the beginning of this they aren't together yet, but they are kinda like in the talking stage. enjoy!

"Moons, can we talk?" Sirius asked softly. He stood in the doorway of their dorm, watching Remus, who was sitting on his bed reading silently with his book propped up against his legs. James and Peter were in detention for accidentally dying McGonagall's fur purple so they had the dorm to themselves.

When he didn't hear a response, Sirius quietly closed the door behind him and sat down on the foot of the bed opposite Remus. They were silent as Sirius gazed lovingly at the other boy. His eyes were red and puffy as if he had just been crying and he had a new scar on his cheek from the night before, but other than that it was the same handsome boy that Sirius had had a crush on for the last three years. His eyes were still the color of honey, and his tall muscular build that he got from his lycanthropy was hidden like always under a too big red jumper.

"Yes?" Remus replied, his expression hardening at the sound of his friend's, or do I even want him to be my friend anymore, thought Remus. Who are you kidding of course you do! you've been in love with the boy since fourth year you arse!

"Well I just wanted to apologize for... what I did... again" Sirius said, looking down in embarrassment as this was definitely not the first time he had asked for the other boy's forgiveness. When Remus was silent, he continued. "Why won't you talk to me Moony? At least say something".

"I have nothing to say to you. Why are you even talking to a monster like me" Remus said, not looking up from his book for even a split second, his eyes frozen on one spot on the page.

"Rem, you're not a monster. You're kind, smart, funny and the most amazing friend anyone could ever ask for."

"If that's what you think then why did you tell Snape to go to the Shrieking Shack? So he could get hurt by a monster Sirius. I'm a monster. You know it, I know it, James knows it, heck even bloody Peter knows it."

"Remus please why can't you just hear me out?" Sirius was practically begging.

"No Sirius I can't hear you out" Remus said, finally shutting his book and looking up at the other boy."

"But why Moony? I said I was sorry"

"Why? WHY?" Remus looked like he was about to explode. "Because you are breaking my heart! Every damn day when you wake up and put your hair into that cute messy bun. The way you smell like citrus shampoo and wet dog. I'm in love with you Sirius Orion Black! But how could you ever love a monster like me?"

"Rem, I don't think you're a monster" Sirius said quietly, shocked by his sudden outburst.

"No Sirius, you do think I'm a monster and that little prank of yours showed me just how you really feel about me. How was I so naive to think that you would actually love me back" he paused for a second. "I guess you're just like your family after all." Remus stopped for a moment, appalled at the words that just slipped out of his mouth. Tears welled up in his eyes as he ran out of the room, leaving his book face open on his bed.

Sirius sat there, unable to move or even think. His brain was racing with thoughts. He's in love with me. Remus Lupin is in love with me of all people. Well he's probably not in love with me anymore since he ran away. And he thinks I'm like my family?  He was just mad he didn't mean that. Or did he? Wait should I be following him?

"What are you doing?! Aren't you going to go after him?" as if he had heard Sirius's thoughts, Sirius looked up to see a very concerned and slightly mad James standing in the doorway.

"Oh right." Sirius ran out of the dorm, brushing James' shoulder in his hurry. He didn't need the map to know exactly where Remus was. One of the perks of being obsessed with the other boy for three years was that he knew all his hiding places. Sirius headed down to the common room, and out of the portrait hole. He sprinted all the way up to the astronomy tower, taking the steps two at a time.

When a very out of breath Sirius Black got to the top of the steps, he saw the werewolf curled in a ball on the ground, muffled cries coming from his head that was hidden in his hands. Sirius walked quietly over to the other boy and sat down next to him. He put his arms around Remus, letting him cry into them. After a minute Remus pushed him away.

"J-just stop, okay?" He said through sobs.

"Stop what?" Sirius asked, his face full of concern and bewilderment, not wanting to have done something else wrong.

"Playing with my emotions. Making me think you like me back when really I'm a mon-" Remus was cut off by a hand on his cheek, and then soon enough the feeling of Sirius's soft lips against his own hardened, chapped ones. The kiss was everything he could've imagined and more. It was full of passion, love and care. Things words couldn't even express right then. After a few seconds of pure bliss, Sirius pulled away.

"Remus John Lupin I am absolutely infatuated with you. I love how you always wear those cute one size too big jumpers, how you work so hard and always have your nose in a book. I love it when you let me crawl in bed with you after I have a nightmare. I love how you are so brave every single month. Moony, you are no monster. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I am so glad that you are in my life."

"You really think so?"

"I know so."

With that, Sirius lay down with his head on the other boy's lap, lost in those beautiful honey brown eyes as Remus ran his fingers through Sirius's long raven colored hair. After a few minutes sitting like this Remus lay down next to Sirius, wrapping his strong arms around the smaller boy and burying his face into his neck.

"I love you Siri and I'm sorry I compared you to your family, you are so much better than them" he whispered.

"I love you too Rem," The smaller boy replied softly, closing his eyes. "I always will".

"Always" the werewolf repeated before closing his own eyes, and the two fell asleep in the safety of each other's arms knowing that they would have each other no matter what happened in.


"Should we wake them?" Peter asked as he and James looked in on their two best friends clinging on to each other in their sleep as if their lives depended on it.

"Let them sleep" James replied gently, smiling down at the werewolf and animagus, glad that his two best friends had finally found each other. James and Peter turned around to head to breakfast leaving everyone in the Great Hall curious as to why they had such big smiles on their faces and what prank they pulled this time.

ok so I wasn't so sure how I felt about this one so tell me what you think! this one was a bit longer than the other one so yea

also im not super good at writing fluff but I tried lol

make sure to vote and comment I really appreciate it:)

also have a great day!

- Ari

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