Heartfelt Cuddles{SFW. A little angsty}

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"Guys! It's our cuddle pile night!" Vivi's voice echoed down the empty halls of the mansion as she ran towards the bedroom. The ghosts had pointed her in the direction that if she went there, she would find Lewis and Arthur there. Before she opened the door, a crash was heard inside and a thud followed it. Her eyes widened and she quickly opened the door," Boys?!" she gasped at what she saw. The ceiling light lay shattered in the center of the room, and off to the far side, Lewis's body was hovering over Arthur's trembling frame,"W-what happened?!"

Lewis sat up and pulled Arthur into a hug, earning a small whimper,"Since this place is old, its starting to fall apart. Arthur was under the light when it fell and I did what I needed to do..I knocked him over and shielded him with my body."The skeleton brushed his cheek bone against Arthur's as he nuzzled the blonde.

Vivi walked over to them and examined them both to make sure that they were okay, being careful about the shards of glass that was shattered on the floor around them.

Arthur had small cuts on his arm and his face, but otherwise was okay,"Th-Thanks Lewis..I..I thought you were attacking me.."He shuddered at the thought of the other attacking him.

This seemed to catch both Vivi and Lewis off guard and the skeleton stumbled as he stood up, his grip on Arthur tightening,"..Arthur.. you know that I wouldn't attack you out of no where..."He mumbled and pressed his face into Arthur's neck.

Vivi hugged them both, remaining quiet. Mystery peeked into the room and then padded over quietly,sensing the mood was a bit down at the moment. He put himself by their legs and waited patiently.

"I thought you attacked me for a different reason.."

It went quiet in the room as Vivi and Lewis processed what Arthur meant, and it remained silent until a small sob broke the calm. Lewis pulled his head away from Arthur's neck and raised a hand up to wipe away the tears that were rolling down the blondes cheeks," Arthur..I forgave you for that..I know that it wasn't your fault..Haven't you forgiven yourself?"

Vivi pulled from the hug and motioned for Mystery to follow her over to the bed, where she and the dog went to lay down. They started to whisper among each other as Mystery asked what happened, listening quietly as Vivi explained what happened as quietly as she could.

"I-I..It's not..I-I don't..N-no..I ha-haven't.."The blonde finally choked out as more tears continued to spill down his cheeks, his chest heaving as he took in more air to breath," I-I'ts not e-easy k-knowing that your t-the rea-reason for your best friend's death."Arthur let out another sob as he stuttered.

The look on Arthur's face only upset Lewis more and the skeleton moved over to the bed, getting on it and moving up to where the others lay. He situated himself against the pillows and pulled Arthur as close to him as he possibly could," Guys, I think we need to cheer Arthur up, lets give him all the love tonight.."He hummed as he wrapped his arms around the blondes waist.

Arthur was about to protest, preparing to say that he didn't deserve any love, but he ended up only squeaking as Vivi kissed his cheek and Mystery pounced on him.

"Arthur, I don't know if I have told you, but, I'm so very glad that you chose me instead of any other kind of pet to be your companion!" Mystery barked as he licked at the blonde's face, his tail wagging rapidly behind him.

Vivi was placing small kisses on Arthur's forehead, and letting out small giggles as Lewis's fingers tickled at her sides," I love you all so much, I'm so happy that we all met!"she squealed and kissed Lewis on the cheeks.

Arthur was having trouble being sad in the situation that was happening, with all the positive comments and the kisses he was receiving from the others made him smile happily," I-I love you guys so much, T-Thank you for c-cheering me up.. I'm sorry that I haven't forgiven myself its just-"He was cut off as Lewis turned Arthur to face him, pressing his face to Arthur's to put the other in a skeleton kiss,"Don't be sorry.. Just know that I will love you from now on no matter what..We all will love you Arthur.."Lewis whispered to his best friend, making Arthur blush and stutter until he shut up and gave in, hugging Lewis quietly. Vivi and Mystery mad sounds of agreement in what Lewis had said, hugging both Lewis and Arthur together.

Arthur tensed at first and then relaxed,"...I love you guys..."

"We love you too, Arthur."

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