Cuddle Pile{SFW}

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It had been several nights after Lewis had forgiven Arthur and invited them into the mansion. Vivi and Lewis were in their bedroom, laying down side by side, holding each other as if they would never let go. Lewis was running a single hand through the bluenettes hair, looking relaxed as she hummed and nuzzled where his neck would have been.

"Hehe, Vivi, that tickles"he chuckled, tilting his head to trying to move his head away from her.

"Oh? Still ticklish even after death?"she giggled, moving her arms up to hang loosely around his shoulders.

"I just might be, but does it matter? Let's just relax for the night, I'm tired from chasing one of the more troublesome spirits lingering around here.."he nuzzled her cheek with his own, earning a small squeak from her as his hands drifted down to her waist, pulling her closer.

Suddenly, the door fell open as Arthur and Mystery fell through, Mystery sitting on Arthur's back. Lewis and Vivi sat up, surprised by the sudden intrusion.

"Like, Sorry guys! I was just passing by and thought I-I might stop by to see i-if you guys needed anything!" The blonde panicked, scrambling to stand up," I-I also was wondering uh.."he bit his lower lip and hesitated.

"Yes? Come out with it, Arthur, we were kinda busy.." Lewis grumbled, moving to situate himself back down on the bed.

"O-Oh uh, L-Like, never mind, I ca-can wait for another ti-ti-IME!" Arthur was interrupted as Mystery darted through his legs and landed on his bottom, watching as his furry friend went and jumped up onto the bed, his eyes wide.

"Oh hey, Mystery!" Vivi giggled as the dog moved up, licking her face and wagging his tail happily.

Lewis sighed and pet the dog behind the ears," Hey buddy, what's going on?"he asked as he sat up, deciding now probably wasn't the time for him to try and initiate anything with Vivi.

Mystery only barked in response, licking at their fingers and looking quite happy that the whole crew was hanging out in the same room. He then plopped himself down on the bed in between the two, his tail continuing to wag furiously.

Arthur got himself up and stood there awkwardly, shuffling his feet and rubbing his hands together nervously. He wondered if he should ask the question that he had been wanting to ask both Vivi and Lewis.

"Hey! I have an idea! How about for the night we all have a cuddle pile? This is the first night that we have gotten all settled in and I think that we all need a good rest, so, how about we have a huge cuddle pile?" Vivi exclaimed, a big smile on her face.

Lewis glanced at Arthur, who had a hopeful look on his face. It however vanished as soon as he saw that Lewis was looking at him, looking away with a crestfallen look on his face,"..Yeah, okay, I can do that.." The skeleton moved to lay back against the pillows, patting the place next to him for Vivi.

Vivi beamed and laid next to Lewis with her head under his ribs, giggling as Mystery crawled onto Lewis's lap and curled up there, his tail still wagging happily.

Arthur's smile returned hesitantly as he walked over to the bed, crawling into it with refound happiness.

Lewis expected the blonde to crawl over onto the other side of Vivi, but was surprised when the blonde laid on the other side of him, resting his head on the skeletons shoulder. He hummed and would have smirked if he could. Arthur and Vivi both had a light pink dust crossing their cheeks as they looked up at Lewis with big smiles,"... You know what? I think I can deal with this.."Lewis placed a hand on the backs of their heads and ran his fingers through their hair, receiving smiles from the two and a bark from Mystery.

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