Frickle Frackle with the Bone daddy{NSFW}

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Lewis kicked open the door to his room, carrying a very flustered blonde," L-Lewis! What are you doing!"he squeaked as the skeleton threw him on the bed, looking up at him with big eyes.

"I was hoping that maybe, we could take it to the next level instead of cuddling.."Lewis looked a bit shy at his request, looking down at Arthur with a look that he had never given the blonde before.

Arthur's cheeks went from a light pink to a dark red,"Y-You mean..S..S-sex?"he choked out the last word, his voice slightly higher pitched as he got flustered.

Lewis let out a low hum before speaking," That's the idea, but only if you want too, Artie.."his hand was around his tie, prepared to take it off it Arthur said yes.

"I-I mean, sure, b-but how will that work?"his voice was meek and almost inaudible as he watched Lewis quickly remove his tie.

"Mmm.. Umbra gave me some of his shadow magic.."He crawled onto the bed and gently pushed Arthur back on the covers, removing the other's shirt with said shadow magic in the process.

Arthur looked up at Lewis and whimpered as Lewis's hands roamed his chest, squeaking when his nipples were rubbed till they hardened. He whimpered and leaned up, placing a kiss on the others skull, earning a small grunt from Lewis.

Lewis's hands roamed down further, his fingers dancing on Arthur's skin and making the other squirm and moan under him. As Arthur was distracted, he used the magic once more to remove both the blondes pants and boxers, a small chuckle escaping his lips at the sight," Excited already?"one of his hands moved and rubbed at the semi-hard length, a small gasp eliciting from Arthur's throat.

"Ah, I-I c-can't he-help it!"he whimpered, licking his lips and letting out a small huff.

"That is okay, I will be gentle, and you don't have to hide any of your sounds from me either, let me hear how vocal you can be, Artie~"he voice husky and dripping with love for the other.

Arthur's member twitched and he whined as Lewis pulled his hand away from Arthur's length, making the blonde shudder. He watched as Lewis sat up, unzipping his pants and moving his boxers to release his member, which was formed and bound with Umbra's black shadow magic. Arthur made a small nervous squeak at Lewis's size,"W-why is it so big?"

"Well, it would have been bigger if I hadn't used all the magic that I had used, but don't worry, It won't so big in a minute, I'm going to use more of the magic that I have on you~"Lewis almost purred and with a flick of his hand, the magic went to work.

Arthur cried out and arched his back, feeling his prostate being stimulated by the magic. He moaned and bucked his hips up, looking for friction from Lewis,"A-Ah, Lewis, please, d-don't t-tease me.."He whimpered, trying to touch himself. He gasped as Lewis grabbed his hands and pinned them down, letting out another moan as Lewis laid on him,"W-what a-are you doi-ING! L-Lewis!"

The skeleton had rolled his hips against Arthur's, his eyes watching the blonde's expression twist into one of pleasure," Did that feel good? Should I give you more?"he asked, slowly doing it again and receiving a mewl in response.

"L-Lewis, p-please give me mor-ah..M-more.."Arthur kissed Lewis's skull again and rolled his hips up to meet the skeletons, making Lewis growl quietly from the friction that he had created.

"As you wish, Artie~"Lewis groaned out Arthur's nickname and began to grind against the blonde pinned beneath him, eliciting a throaty moan from both of them.

Arthur soon had sweat going down his forehead, moving with Lewis to build up the pleasure and the heat that started to pool in his abdomen,"I-I'm ge-getting cl-close..H-hey, wh-why are you pulling away?"Arthur watched as Lewis pulled away, panting and shifting in his spot.

"Don't move."Lewis had pulled out a bottle of lube from his suit, putting a generous amount onto his fingers and rubbing them together to warm it up before moving his hand down and prodding at Arthur.

Arthur tensed up as he felt one of Lewis's fingers enter him, shuddering at the foreign feeling inside, rubbing and stretching his inner walls. He slowly relaxed as Lewis started to move his finger in and out before tensing up again as another finger pushed in,"Ah..L-Lewis, I-It feels weird.."

"Just relax, Artie, it will feel better if you do."Lewis started to stretch Arthur, making the blonde let out a small groan as Lewis pressed his fingers in deeper.

Arthur gulped and nodded, forcing himself to relax, allowing Lewis to put one more finger inside. He leaned up and placed several kisses on Lewis's skull, murmuring words of love to the skeleton.

Lewis hummed and started to return words of love and comfort to Arthur, stretching him until he believed that the blonde was ready for him," Alright Artie, I'm gonna put it in now.."He applied fresh lube to his shaft and lifted the other males legs around his waist as he positioned himself," Are you ready?"

Arthur gulped and then nodded,"Y-Yeah, I'm ready.."He relaxed as he looked into Lewis's eyes, knowing the other wasn't going to hurt him purposely.

Lewis took in a deep breath and slowly started to push in, stopping when Arthur let out a sharp gasp,"Mmm, You doing okay, Artie? It's not too much is it?"The skeleton looked down at Arthur to see if he was okay.

"I-It hurts a little, but I can take it."He shifted and put his arms loosely around the specters shoulders to help brace himself, his face twisting up with pain as Lewis continued to push into him.

Lewis took it slow until he was inside Arthur all the way,"Fuck..your so tight, Arthur.."He groaned, carefully and gently nuzzling his lover. Lewis was surprised when Arthur spoke, shocked by what he said.

"I-I am a virgin so t-thats probably why.."

Lewis pulled back and looked down at Arthur,"So, I'm your first?"he was genuinely surprised, having believed that Arthur would have done this with someone else at this point. He was quite the handsome and sweet man.

"Yeah, Y-Your my first..Y-You can move now.."he gulped and kissed Lewis's skull and cheekbones, his hands gripping the back of the skeletons suit as Lewis began to rock his hips to Arthur's.

Lewis held Arthur close to him, grunting as he went from rocking to thrusting, his hips moving back and forth as he searched for Arthur's prostate gland.

Arthur let out small whimpers when Lewis would move strangely and was about to ask Lewis to stop when he cried out, arching his back,"A-Ah! L-Lewis!"he whimpered and gripped onto the specter tightly,"T-that, it felt good, p-please do that again.."

Lewis hummed, complying to Arthur's wish, pulling out and thrusting into that spot again with force. He was pleased when Arthur let out a throaty moan in reaction to it,"Like that, Artie? Is that what you want from me?"

Arthur only let out a small groan as he drove his hips to Lewis's, stimulating his prostate gland with force that made him arch his back again,"L-Lewis! Q-Quit teasing me and fuck me alrea-AH!"He was interrupted as Lewis rammed against that spot repeatedly, a deep growl coming from his throat.

Lewis pushed Arthur's legs up and buried himself deeper into Arthur, earning throaty moans and cries as he wrapped a hand around the blonde's shaft, starting to pump it slowly to tease him. He knew since Arthur was a virgin that he was already close to release, deciding to bring it to a close. He picked up speed and thumbed at the crown of Arthur's length, a pleased hum escaping him as Arthur spent himself on his stomach.

Arthur clenched around Lewis as he released onto his chest, his face heating up as he felt warmth spread through his abdomen as Lewis spent inside of him,"Murrr~"

Lewis chuckled at Arthur as he pulled out of him, watching as the rest of the magic vanished after cleaning them both up,"I am satisfied, I can only hope that you are too."he laid next to Arthur and pulled him close, rubbing his cheekbone to the others.

"Mhmm..I love you, Lewis.."he purred, cuddling up to Lewis and nuzzling him.

"Love you too, Artie."

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