Chapter 14: Suspicious

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We sat and watched for a couple minutes, but nothing happened. I realized how much I like people-watching. Just pedestrians walking by, but they are so interesting. People looking happy, determined, angry, disappointed, worried, and everything in between as they make their way to their destinations.

"How long are you out here usually?" I asked.

"I come here right after school, and come back around dinner time," he explained.

"I'm not even sure what I'm looking for," I confessed.

"Just...anything out of the ordinary."

Hmm. I looked around and saw a couple suspicious looking people. All wearing black. All trying too hard to blend in. All looking back and forth between people and a grocery-deli mart.

When suddenly, they all grouped up and walked in, staggering their form.

"Peter..." I said, hesitantly.

"I see them," he said, staring intently at the shop.

After a couple seconds, we saw them through the big windows pull out guns. My eyes widened at the sight. People started screaming, and some even managed to make it out of there. For the most part, they were holding the people inside as hostages, until they got money.

I turned to Peter to ask what he was waiting for, but my internal question was answered when he swung and jumped into action, landing at the doors. I stood on my toes to try and get a good view of what was going to happen.

I watched as Peter caught them by surprise and started to swing around, webbing some, and knocking out others. As he fought them, he was careful to not harm the people, as they all ran out in pure terror.

Peter was doing quite the impressive job, taking on all...let's see...maybe 8 of the guys? Finally, he stopped and stood there, asking if the storekeeper was alright. I sat back down and sighed in relief. Wow. I waiting for a second until Peter was going to come back, but as I waited, I noticed one of the knocked out guys start to crawl towards the door, out of Peter's view.

Oh no you don't.

He made it to the doors, and got up quickly before running out of the store. A van suddenly pulled up and he was about to get inside, before I made a decision to trap him. I created a field and tried desperately to trap him inside, until Peter could see him.

I eventually got him trapped, right outside the store. All the bystanders looked around in confusion, so I ducked behind one of the wall's ledge, still keeping the energy going. I looked back and saw Peter stepping outside, looking very confused from behind his mask. He immediately looked up to where I was, and I stopped the field. He webbed the guy to the ground, as the police pulled up. The van managed to get away.

Peter swung back up to where I was, and once he was out of view of the people on the ground, he took off his mask. I expected him to be excited, since he just took down all these guys (with my help of course), but he looked irritated.

"Y/N why would you do that?!" he asked me suddenly. I was taken aback and his sudden tone.

"What do you mean?"

"You could have been seen!! What if Hydra was nearby and saw that? You can't be reckless like that," he said, gesturing to the crime scene. I didn't like yelling, but I also didn't like feeling stupid, so I stood up to meet his eyes.

"I was just-trying to help! What would have happened if that guy had gotten away?!" I exclaimed.

"That's not your responsibility!"

"Well if it's yours than you should have seen him leave!" I said back, immediately regretting this whole argument. I hated yelling.

"Y/N, bottom line is that you could have just given yourself away! You are already in so much danger and..." he started to yell, but got progressively quieter. He looked down, and I relaxed my expression a bit.

"...and I-we can't afford to lose you," he said, meeting my eyes again. I immediately felt horrible for the things I had said.

"I'm-I'm sorry," I started to say, before something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention.

The van. It came back.

The police were almost gone, so the van pulled up right in between the building we were on, and the one to our right.

"Peter..." I said, and he looked to where I was looking.

"Stay here, and don't do anything," he instructed firmly, before putting his mask back on and swinging back into action.

I peered over the edge to catch a glimpse of what he was doing. He webbed to the side of a building in the shadows, and was listening to what they were saying.

A couple guys climbed out and started making hand gestures at the others. They nodded and separated, walking very briskly in opposite directions.

The ones guarding the van started to say something to each other, but I couldn't hear. Peter suddenly lept down and talked to them too, probably trying to distract them a bit, before webbing them to the van. He was about to leave to find the others, when he took a double take on their outfits. He looked closely on one of the guy's shoulder of his blazer, and saw something that made him stumble backwards.

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