Chapter 16: Love, huh

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Y/N's POV:

As I heard Peter and May bantering from down the hall, I took my chance to look around his room a bit.

Not snooping. Just...learning more about him.

On his desk, he had some pretty outdated tech. An old, maybe late 90's computer, a DVD player, not in bad shape either, and lots of open books and notebooks about chemistry. I took a peek at one of the notebooks, and figured out pretty easily that it was his web fluid formula.

Real subtle Peter.

Suddenly my heart dropped as I heard someone getting closer to the door.

"I'm not in love with her!" I heard Peter yell. What-what was he talking about?

"Whats her name?!" his aunt called back.

"Uh, I'll tell you later. I'm kinda tired," Peter said, followed by the door knob turning.

"Alright fine. But don't think I'll forget!" she said. Peter opened the door, got inside and closed it, a somewhat annoyed look on his face.

"What were you-" I started to say before Peter ran and put his hand over my mouth. We both turned towards the door, as we heard May's footsteps retreating to the other side of the hall, probably towards her bedroom or something. We heard a door close and Peter turned back to me and removed his hand.

"S-sorry. She probably would have heard us talking," he said shyly.

"Yeah no, you're right. So, what did you see on them?" I asked. Peter gave me a confused look.

"You know, on those sketchy guys? You saw something on their clothes?" I reminded him. Had he already forgotten?

"I need to call Mr. Stark," Peter said suddenly, taking out his phone, and walking away from me.

"Wait Peter. What's going on?" I asked, following him. He didn't answer.

"Damn it. He's not picking up," he said.

"Peter. Please. What is going on?" I asked again, and Peter turned to me, looking anxious.

"Those guys were Hydra," he said, and I took a step back.

"What? How? And how did you know?" I asked.

"Mr. Stark showed me their logo. It's octopus, with a human skull head," he described, and I got the picture.

"Wait. Doesn't Hydra come from Greek Mythology?" I asked.

"Cause I remember learning about this in 4th grade. It's like...a creature with a lot of heads. Every time you cut one off, 2 grow back. Man that gave me nightmares," I recalled.

"Maybe that's why they named themselves that. They probably have so many undercover people working for them. Every time someone dies, 2 more people get into action," Peter said. I sighed.

"So how do we defeat them?" I asked, hypothetically.

"We don't. Mr. Stark and the Avengers will. We need to lay low for now. We can't trust anyone," he said, very serious.

"Not even each other?" I asked, joking. Peter sat on his bed and gave me a look.

"Y/N, I kinda doubt you are part of some secret evil organization," he said, and we both laughed.

"Alright Parker, I trust you. For now. But don't think you can just get me when my guard is down," I said nudging him.

"You don't need to worry about me," he said. Our chat was cut off by Peter's phone going off.

"Mr. Stark?" he asked. I leaned in closer to hear his responses.

"Kid, where the hell are you guys?!" he exclaimed.

"I-I brought her to Queens but Mr. Stark there were-"

"You left the Tower?! This was the one safe spot I tried to keep you guys in, but apparently you both need supervision..."

"No you're-you're not listening! Hydra is here!" Peter spat out. There was a moment of silence.

"What do you mean 'Hydra is here'?" he asked slowly.

"Look Mr. Stark. I took Y/N away from the tower so that those Hydra guys wouldn't be able to find us easily, especially since we were moving locations, right? But-but then we saw some sketchy guys and I thought I dealt with them, but they were Hydra. We're okay now, we are at my apartment, but they are here!" Peter explained. Another long silence.

"Stay there, I'm on my way and absolutely do not move!" he said, and ended the call.

"Hey, I just remembered. Who were you talking about?" I asked, remembering his conversation with May before he came into his room.


"When you and May were talking just before you came in here," I explained. His eyes widened.

"Oh, uh nobody. She thought I met some girl at the internship," he said.

"What internship?" I asked.

"Oh right. That's my excuse to her for whenever I am Spiderman. So when I left to go to Berlin, I said I went on an internship retreat thing," he explained. I nodded my head.

"Okay, but you said 'I'm not in love with her' so you admitted there was someone," I pushed. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I was just trying to avoid her nagging. Anyways...Mr. Stark is on his way, I'll sneak you out like before," he said, getting up and pulling his suit out of a brown paper bag.

"Where did you-"

"Dumpster," he explained. I focused my eyebrows.


Peter quickly threw his shirt off without thinking, and my eyes widened.

Damn, Parker's got abs!

He stopped before getting to his pants, and we stared at each other for a second.

"Oh-sorry," we both said at the same time. I turned around, while I heard more rustling behind me.

"You ready?" he asked, and I turned around to see him in his little spidey suit.

"I guess. Thank you for...well, everything. This whole day has been chaos, but it's been nice to have someone to share it with," I said, and Peter put his hand behind his head.

"Oh-uh yeah. *ahem* of course," he said, clearing his throat. I smiled and he went to open the window again.

I grabbed onto him, as we started to climb down the building and towards the ground. Once we reached the ground, I let go and Peter stayed sticking to the wall.

Literally, how does one do that?

Unexpectedly, I felt something. Like-a feeling. About Peter. I have no idea what, but it's just there.

"Peter?" I asked, turning back to him.


" Do you think I could come to school with you?" I said, chickening out of whatever I wanted to say.

"I just. I need to take my mind off of this. I'll try to convince Tony tonight," I said.

"Yeah sure! I'll drop by tomorrow," he said, excitedly. I smiled.

"Okay," I whispered. I turned my head towards the street when I heard a car pull up.

"I should go," we both said at the same time. We laughed lightly.

"Bye Peter," I said.

"Goodnight Y/N," he said, and climbed back up towards his window.

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