Chapter 26: Surprise!

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Peter's POV:

"Hey, uh Mr. Stark?" I asked with Tony on the phone in my suit.

"Kid, what's wrong?" he asked, as we were both making our ways towards the abandoned hospital.

"What's our attack plan? You what should I do when we get there?"

"Attack. You have should I put this...kill mode," he explained. My eyes widened.

"What?! Kill mode! No no no, I don't want to hurt anybody!" I explained.

"These guys are out to hurt Y/N," he reminded me. I felt my morals slowly bending, but stayed quiet.

"Cap? You guys there yet?" I heard him ask, as Mr. Rodgers was dialed into the call.

"We're almost there Tony," I heard him say.

Finally, Tony and I arrived at the location. God this place was outdated and sad. I felt my blood pumping as we both walked slowly towards the other Avengers there.

I still didn't know them by their actual names, but there was Black Widow and Captain America.

"Where's the rest of you guys?" I asked, hoping we had more backup.

"They're back at the tower searching for Y/N's location, which come to mention it, do we know her location?" Captain America asked Tony.

"Not yet. But we need to be prepared in case they have her already," he said, though there was still obvious tension from before.

"Kid, you find Y/N. If she's in there, getting her out is our first priority. We'll hold the other guys off, and try to stop them from doing...whatever they are doing," Tony concluded. I nodded in agreement.

"Shouldn't we be more focused on being desecrate? If they really have Y/N in there, disguising ourselves and sneaking her out may be our safest bet," Cap intervened.

"I'm sorry, do you happen to have a bag of costumes behind your shield?" Tony snapped.

"We have no time to play dress up, find Y/N and sneak back out of there unnoticed. We have no idea what they are doing in there, and wouldn't be able to blend in. We are storming the area, now!" Tony concluded again, as he walked into the building with his helmet on.

Captain America sighed and shook his head. I wondered if they would ever be back to normal.

"Hey. Lets focus on finding Y/N, okay?" Black Widow said, with a more inspiring tone. We all followed after Tony.

As soon as we walked in, there were a couple men guarding the entrance. They turned around and noticed our presence.

I got ready to web 'em, but they started firing their guns at us and shouting.

Tony blasted one straight into the wall, while Cap and BW combated 2 others. I helped web them to the floor.

"Kid there's one that's getting away!" Tony called, and I turned to the right corridor where one of the men was running, while speaking into a radio.

"Oh no you don't," I muttered, swinging after him. I caught up easily and stopped in front of him.

"Hey man, can I borrow this?" I asked, before grabbing the radio and smashing it to the floor. The man yelled and pulled out his gun.

"Whoops. Sorry. Those things are fragile," I said, as I webbed the hun out of his hands and it slid across the floor. I knocked the guy out and webbed him against the wall.

"Kid? Kid can you hear me?" I heard Tony call.

"Yeah? What's up Mr. Stark?"

"These guys...somethings wrong...they all have-" he started to say, before I was hit in the back of the head with something. I turned around to see 3 guards, all unarmed. What?

"Hey guys! Sorry about your friend," I said shooting a web in their direction. But, it was stopped, as

A field of energy surrounded them.

One that looked exactly like Y/N's powers...

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed, before they all started chucking forces at me, as I tried to dodge them all.

"How did you guys get these powers?" I asked, still dodging.

Y/N. She must be here!

That, or they somehow managed to perfectly re-create her ability on their own.

I kept trying to get close to them, and web their hands, but they wouldn't let me get close!

"God you guys are strong," I remarked. How was I going to get past them?

Then, I remembered.

When I first fought Y/N, we seemed pretty evenly matched, but I took her down. How?

Her feet. Always unprotected from the field.

I webbed the men's legs together, which were unprotected, and pulled as they all fell to the floor. From there, I webbed their hands and bodies to the floor, preventing them from using their powers.

"Mr. Stark..." I asked.

"You saw them?"

"Yeah. How did they get Y/N's powers?" I asked, worried.

"That's what we're trying to figure out kid. The odds that she is here are escalating, so you need to find her, now!" Tony instructed.

"Copy that," I said, as I continued to sprint down the halls, checking every room for Y/N.

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