1.2 - SR

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Spencer is a man of his word and held your coffee "date" that Saturday after you got home from the Florida case. Surprisingly, he opened up to you rather quickly, talking about how he struggled with Emily's death. He even mentioned how he thought about leaving the BAU because he wouldn't know if he could cope with the possibility of losing another team member. You could really relate because that's one of the reasons you ended up at the BAU yourself.

After losing a close friend in a case gone very wrong, your team suffered for a long time and you collectively decided to disband the team. You just weren't functioning like you used to and you were all hurting too much from the loss and failed case after failed case. When you made your move to Quantico, you decided it was going to be a fresh start. You understand how important a good team dynamic is to doing your best work so you put the past behind you and put your best foot forward. You didn't mean to lose your old team, but you were going to make the best of your new one.

You explained all this to Reid and he obviously took something from it, because the two of you became fast friends. You started to collaborate more efficiently on cases and it made a noticeable difference. Even Hotch took notice at first and would give you two the occasional encouraging nod. You and Spencer were always the first ones to the office and you would take turns treating each other to coffee. That extra thirty minutes each morning was exactly what you both needed to get ready for the day. You talked about anything and everything: his weekly crossword, the last playlist you made, how his mom is doing, your plans to visit your big brother in California. Every coffee you two shared brought you closer and closer.

It was another Friday of paperwork at the office as you were finishing up a case from the day before. The job is incredibly rewarding, but the paperwork is a bitch. Groaning and putting your head down on your desk you call it a day. Your eyes hurt almost as much as your brain does and you can't spend anymore time looking at a computer screen.

"You good, Y/N?" Spencer checks in on you, spinning around in his chair directly behind yours.

"Yeah, I'm calling it," you decide out loud, going to grab your purse. You stand up out of your chair and turn to Reid. "You hungry?"

"Ugh, I never thought you'd ask. I've been waiting for almost an hour."

"What do you mean waiting?" You look around the office for the first time in a while and realize you are the only ones left. You had your eyes glued to your screen for so long you didn't notice everyone leaving. "Well, shit. My bad. You didn't have to wait for me, you know."

"Yeah, I know, but I didn't want to leave you here all alone. That wouldn't be such a fun Friday now would it?" he laughs a bit at your expense.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's kick it, I'm starving."

"Thank god."

You and Spencer make your way out of the building and start heading in the direction of your favorite Italian spot that just so conveniently is located down the street from your apartment. When you first moved to Virginia that restaurant nearly killed you because you ate there so frequently and you quickly became a regular. As you a approached the door you turned to Spencer stopping him for a second.

"Hey, I'm pretty beat. Do you mind taking this to-go? I'm just down the street and have fridge full of beer with our names on them if you're in?"

"Uh, sure let's do it," Spencer responded with what seemed like a bit of hesitation.

"Don't worry, I don't bite," you winked at him and turned to finally head inside the restaurant. Spencer had never been to your apartment so you understood why he seemed hesitant, but you knew it wouldn't be a big deal. It would be just like your morning coffees together.

Spencer Reid/MGG One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now