1.1 - SR

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You had only been with the BAU for a few weeks now, but you could already tell that one of the members of the team wasn't warming up to you and wouldn't be anytime soon. Penelope had welcomed you with open arms and Rossi with a kiss on the cheek, but Spencer Reid wouldn't even shake your hand. Yeah, him and handshakes and germs and all that, but more than a closed-mouth smile would have been nice. It would have been even nicer if he didn't leave the room right after your introduction while everyone else hung around to chat.

Morgan filled you in on the Prentiss situation and you understood how hard it could be to lose a team member. You've spent your fair share of time in the field and have lost more team members than you'd like to admit to yourself, but unfortunately that just comes with job. You just have to learn to accept that even though the bad stuff is absolutely horrible, the good that you and your team are doing outweighs it tenfold. To you, it didn't seem like Reid had accepted this fact yet and losing Emily was just too much for him and he seemed to be taking it out on you.

The team had just finished up a case in Florida and were all buckled into the jet for take off. Almost instantly, Derek an JJ passed out with their headphones on while Rossi and Hotch shared a drink at the front of the aircraft. That left you and Spencer in the back, you stretched out on the couch and him opposite you sitting with his feet up and a book in hand. After trying to will yourself to sleep for almost half the flight you pulled out a book that you always keep in your go bag and tried to get comfortable.

After only a few pages, you could feel eyes on you. You look up to see Spencer glancing at you through the corner of his eye only to avert his gaze when he sees you notice him. Maybe now's your chance.

"Hey, Spencer," you say just above a whisper, not to disturb the others.

"What's up, Y/N?" he replies In a low voice without looking up from the pages of his book.

"Whatcha reading?" Spencer doesn't say a word, just shows you the cover of the book with a tight smile. It was in french.

"Hate to break it to you, Reid, but not all of us are linguistic geniuses," you say with a light chuckle at the end.

"Oh, my bad," he mumbles, obviously distracted by the book and not willing to divert his attention to the conversation you were painstakingly trying to start.

"Yeah, okay, whatever. Carry on then. Don't mind me," you mumble under your breath.

Reid finally looks up from his book and stares you dead in the eye. "There's no reason to be rude, Y/N," he states firmly.

You scoff. "Me? Rude? You're calling me rude?" you whisper yell as you sit up on the couch to face the man-child across from you head on.

"Yeah, I am," he responds as he lifts his feet off the chair and places them flat on the ground to square up to you.

"Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Easygoing. We can't all be as cheery and welcoming as you."

"What's that even supposed to mean?"

"Reid, you know exactly what it means. Ever since I joined this team, you've been avoiding me. Do you even want me here?"

"No, I-"

"Please buckle your seatbelts as we prepare to land," the captain interrupts him. You get up to move to a better seat so you can buckle up. And to avoid Spencer.

"Wait, Y/N, I didn't-"

Now it was your turn to cut him off. "No, Spence, I get it. Just leave it," you throw over your shoulder as you slid into the seat next to JJ accidently nudging her a bit.

Spencer Reid/MGG One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now