Meet The Parents

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Eleanor's POV

Shay and I have been talking and facetiming for a little over a month now and he has been telling me how much he wants to meet my parents. Well officially, they've introduced themelves a few times while we've been video chatting but he's never met them in person so I thought why not invite him over for Thankgiving. He will have a few days off before and after from the tour so we figured he can stay in Vermont for a while. He was all for the idea. I did feel bad about taking him away from his family for the holiday, but he promised that they understood. 

It was the day before Thanksgiving and my mom and I were getting together all the food that we would need for dinner tomorrow at my grandparents. Shay had texted me when his plane would be landing so my dad could go pick him up. I wanted to go but Shay told me he wanted to talk to my dad so this would be the perfect oppertunity. 

My dad walked in the front door and yelled "We're Here!" 

I squealed internally, I'm such a geek

I ran to the top of the stairs to see my dad bringing Shay's suitcase down to the guest room. Shay instantly smiled when he saw me. 

"Hi!" I exclaimed running down the stairs and running into his open arms. It felt like I was just seeing an old friend after a while, so natural. It felt as if I'd known him for years. 

"I missed you." He whispered, pulling me close. I guess you could say we got pretty close while we talked on the phone. 

"I missed you too." I said smiling and pulling him closer, feeling as if I let go he would disappear and this would all be a dream. 

"Okay you two, let's keep this PG." My mom said chuckling.

"Mom!" I exclaimed pulling away blushing.

I started to walk up the stairs and Shay grabbed my hand and intertwied our fingers. I looked down and smiled letting him know it was okay. That's one of the things I love about Shay, he always asks before doing something and didn't take things to fast even though we aren't dating. 

When we got upstairs my mom and him smiled at eachother and shook hands. 

"It's nice to see you again..."

"Ann." My mom replied.

Shay's POV

We sat down in the livingroom, Eleanor and I on the chair, and her parents on the couch. That's when the questiong started. He wasn't too harsh though. He asked the usual tell me about yourself, how did you get into music and some other things. Her brother had also come over so I met him as well. 

Eleanor and her mom went into the kitchen to contunie prepping food for tomorrow and to make some lunch. While they were doing that her brother father and I watched football. 

Once lunch was over Eleanor and I headed downtown to the mall. The first place we went was Starbucks because it was much colder then Arkansas or Nashville. 

Eleanor's POV

I went into Bath & Body Works and got a couple of essentials. We walked up to the counter to check out. I started to pull money out to pay but before I could Shay took out his card and swiped it. I looked at him confused. 

"Why did you do that?" 

He just shushed me and finished the transaction. Then he grabbed the bag and intertwined our hand and lightly tugged me out of the store. 

"Shay why did you do that?" 

"Because I wanted too and I could." He said smirking. 

"Please let me pay you back." I said pulling my wallet out. 

"No put your money, I'm not letting you pay me back. This discussion is over, now please just say Thank You." 

 "Thank You, Shay." I said resting my head on his shoulder as we walked. 

"You're welcome love." He replied leaning down to kiss the top of my head. 

They had one of the Christmas displays up in the mall so Shay insisted on taking a picture in front of it. He then typed something on his phone then I got a notification on mine. 

"@ShayMooney: Having an amazing first time in Vermont with my beautiful tour guide! @eleanorlauzon"  And attatched was the picture he took of him and I in front of the Christmas tree. 

I favorited it then retweeted it, then couldn't help but look at some of the comments. 

"She's SOO Pretty!"

"You guys look so cute together!!!"


And then there were of course the not so nice comments...

"I can't believe you're dating someone like her..."

"She's so UGLY!"

"You could do SO much BETTER!" 

I didn't even realize I was staring at the screen until Shay took my phone and turned it off. I looked up at him slowly, tears slowly making their way to my eyes.

"Please don't read any of that, none of it's true." He said wiping the tears in my eyes away and pulling me into a hug. I cried into his chest for  few minutes while he rubbed my back ot calm me down. This was my first time in the spotlight and it was brutal, so horrible. How could these people that know nothing about you say such mean things?

"Hey I have a question for you." He whispered lifting my head up to look at me. He wiped my eyes for what seemed like the hundreth time, then he started getting nervous. 

"Okayy..." I said, not sure what to expect. 

He took a deep breath. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He had the most serious look on his face and was looking me dead in the eyes. 

I thought for a minute about how we could make it work with his scheduling and us living in different states. 

Could this actually work?

"Yes." I squeaked out.

"Yes? You said yes?" He asked.

I nodded my head smiling.

He looked at me for a few seconds but it felt like hours. Then unexpectedly he cupped my cheek making sure to be gentle and I secretly thanked him for that .hen he leaned down and kissed me... 

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