Happy Thanksgiving

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Shay's POV

My alarm went off at 6am because we were going to be to Eleanor's grandparents house for 9am so we could watch the parade. 

I walked upstairs to be greeted by her mom and dad. 


"Good morning." I replied. 

"Eleanor is still sleeping if you want to wake her." Her mom said to me smiling. 

"Okay." I said walking down the hallway. 

I slowly opened the door and heard the radio playing Christmas music. She looked so cute bundled up with the fan on.  I quietly walked over and laid down next to her and buried my head next to hers on the pillow so our noses were touching. She still didn't move so I ran mine along hers a few times and he finally woke up. 

"Hey what are you doing in here?" She asked sleepily. 

"waking up my beautiful girlfriend up." I replied kissing her nose. "Happy Thanksgiving." I whispered. 

"Happy Thanksgiving." She whispered snuggling closer to me. 

"Hey I promised I'd wake you up, we gotta leave soon sweetheart if you want to see the parade." I told her wrapping my arms around her and running them up and down her back. 

"Just 5 more minutes." She whined. 

"Okay, but only because you're cute."

Eleanor's POV

"Come on love, it's time to wake up." Shay said kissing my cheek. 

"You go, I'll be right there." 

"Oh no, I know you well enough to know that won't happen." 

He puled the bankers off an picked me up. We had breakfast then got dressed. the drive to my grandparents was filled with music and singing. I think Shay was a little nervous to meet my family. 

We got out and went to the trunk to grab the food. Shay quickly grabbed my hand as we walked up the steps and mom knocked on the door. We heard Grandma yell to come in so we headed in, Shay took a deep breath before he walked in the door. I leaned in and kissed his cheek whispering "You'll be fine." 

We were greeted by the smells of Turkey, apple and pumpkin pie and rolls. 

"Eleanor, I turned on the parade for you." My grandpa said as I walked past him to set the bag of food down in the kitchen. 

"Thanks Grandpa, Happy Thanksgiving." I said walking over and kissing his cheek. 

"Who is this young man?" He asked pointing at Shay who was awkwardly standing at the door still.

I chuckled and waved him over. 

"Grandma, Grandpa, This is my boyfriend Shay. Shay these are my grandparents. 

"Hello young man, how are you?"

"I'm fine sir, how are you?" He replied reaching out to shake my grandpa's outstretched hand. 

They talked a little, mostly abut music while I sat in the kitchen watching the parade and making the apple pie party dip. I was too busy trying not to cut my finger because I have really bad luck with knives, to realize Shay walk over and sit down next to me and kiss my cheek. I looked over at him and winked. 

We leaned forward and kissed each other but were quickly broken apart by the door opening and my aunt yelling "HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!" My aunt really is crazy. 

"Hi guys, how is everybody doing?" She asked walking through the living room towards the kitchen. 

Soon enough everyone had arrived and it was time to eat. 

We had the or what we call traditional Turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. Everything was So filling!

"Okay now that we're done eating et's play some bingo." Grandpa announced, he was really excited for this. As we were playing I noticed my cousin kept looking at Shay and smiling. 

Was she really flirting with my boyfriend while her boyfriend was sitting right next to her? Figures, everything I have she just has to have. Even Jack…" 

I tensed up at the thought and Shay noticed, he put his arm around me and started lightly rubbing my back and kissed my cheek. My cousin was watching and she looked down when she saw Shay kiss me. 

We sat out the next round of bingo. Shay sat down on the couch and pulled me down next to him so my back was partially pressed to his chest and wrapped his arms around me. Let's face it, it was a small couch, just a little bigger then a chair. 

"You tensed up earlier, what's wrong?" He whispered in my ear. 

"I'll tell you later." I said turning around to kiss his cheek.

Was I really easy to tell him? This could end very badly…


Oh what's her big secret??? It's getting interesting now right?

Anyways, let me know what y'all think! 

Stay Awesome!


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