I ask God some times why he gave me diabetes. But I know it's not his fault, it's not anyone's fault actually. It's just how I was born.
It's an unfair world out there ladies and gentlemen and nonbinary folks. But how can someone make an unfair world...fair again?
To simply put it...you can't. The world isn't perfect and it is unfair.
But why does it need to be that way?
Yikes I'm super thirsty right now. Must be high sugars.
This sucks.
Rants from a Teenage Type 1 Diabetic aka Me
Random9 years ago I was diagnosed with an incurable disease known as Type 1 Diabetes. I guess here's a random ass book of all my rants that has diabetes at the root. There might be triggers in here like blood and needles so keep aware of that. Some of...