chapter 30

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Time to live.....time to love.....time to forgive.

My flight touched down in the dusk  of night. Cloudless sky, stars streamed across the black sky.  My heart was empty. I left without saying good bye. I had to do this for me.   I could tell I was bringing him down and thats what I didn't wanna do. He was a happy soul.  The over head voice sounded that we had begun to deboard and it was time to go. 

I grabbed my one bad in my hand and caught a cab to where I knew he was.  My sister sent me a email giving me the address. This had to be the hardest thing I'd ever had to do.  I choked back tears and swallowed my hurt. Years and years of pent up rage pain guilt shame and disgust for myself.  Driver " this is your stop miss,  would you like me to wait? ".   He smiled and extended his hand. I trusted him.  Me" if that's not to much to ask thank you I'd appreciate it so much I will tip you more if.......".   Driver " its on the house,  no payment,  don't worry I can tell your stressed. Its on me ".   I could have hugged him I never had anyone be so generous. 

I got out and reached for the flowers and card and the special object.  His place was close by and I could tell someone had been here not to long ago. I could see flowers around him.  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and took the final steps. 

I bent down and read his name and before I knew it,  tears fell. Pain and the reality of his passing hit me full force.  My body was shaking and I couldn't stand anymore. I dropped to my knees and gripped the flowers placing the bear beside his grave site . His name,  here he was. Right below me in the grounds surrounded by flowers and small lady bugs.  I ran my hand over his grave stone and leaned in and kissed it twice.  Once for forgiveness and once to say I love you I miss you. 

I sat on the grass and placed the flowers on the stone before him. Me" well dad here I am,  I never got to say goodbye or I love you but,  um...... I guess now at least we are here together.  So....... Oh god hold on...... I miss you!  I forgive you..... I forgive you for what you did. I can't hold onto it anymore. I left the man I love behind to say goodbye to you for the last time. I'm not coming back after this....... So I hope you love me too and watch over me...... I...... Forgive you. ".   I wiped away my tears and kissed his grave stone one more time.  Me" I love you ".  I got up and took one last look at him, I could feel a cool breeze across my face and knew it was him.

As I got in the cab,  the driver handed me a rose and said " I think a beautiful heart like you needs this right now,  I'm so sorry about your loss ".   I couldn't help it I cried and smelled the rose and he drove me back to the airport.  Time to get back to my soul mate.

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