Camp Thurmond

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George Myth

Somewhere in West Virginia 

I don't know how many days have pasted. The drugs the force feed me seem to be slowly wearing off. Or at least I feel better. I'm still strapped down on my bed by myself, no sister or brother to comfort me now. No one. Just myself and sometimes glimpses of the doctors before I finally go under. 

I don't think I can even remember the faces of my mother and father, their faces fade in out of my visions. Sometimes my sister and brother visit me in my dreams comforting me. I wince as the door to my little white square room opens and lets in a light brighter than my rooms lights. 

"Hello George!" Says the women of my nightmares, Dr. Gallows. A more fitting name? I think not. This women should be on the gallows for the things she does to kids. I don't respond other than to try and kick her when she walks close enough to my bed. She gives me a "tut tut" noise and ties the bands holding my legs and arms down tighter.

She grins at me as two more men wearing lab coats walk in with some heavy looking duty. Then behind the lab equipment is a short PSF who seems to have risen from the dead. In her hands is a good ol' gun just for me! 

She looks at Dr. Gallows who holds a hand up and speaks to the other two doctors, nicknamed by the kids as the "coats" because of the huge white coats they seem to wear every where. As the three doctors work on the equipment the PSF comes over to me and grins, looking like a half dead zombie in the process. 

Soon the equipment is set up. My adrenaline starts pumping, I haven't felt this awake since before they started drugging me for who knows how long, feeding me through my little tubes as I rested in my drug induced state. 

The equipment looks like a satellite combined with a bunch of random metal and plastic. They point the satellite looking part at my head area, Dr. Gallows walks out of the room and then back in with a small fish tank in her hands. 

As I begin to wonder if the doctors accidentally slipped me magic mushrooms in my drugs, Dr. Gallows walks over to me, the PSF holds her gun in one hand and in the other one grabs my head, Dr. Gallows sets the fish tank on the flat table like metal that restrains my chest. 

Than both the PSF and Dr. Gallows grab my head and push it into the tank. As I thrash gasping for a breath, air bubbles stream from my mouth as I panic and try to scream. Then just as my lungs feel like they're going to burst I feel a pain so great on the side of my mouth, something is being cut and molded.

I just want the drugs to send under, no more of this testing. As I feel my oxygen lower and I start seeing black I feel something on the side of my check begin to flutter and then the pain stops in on my cheeks and starts in my chest area. 

But I can breathe, even as I try to push against the PSF and Dr. Gallows hold on my head, I feel oxygen flow through my cheeks, I use my tongue to feel the sides of my cheek and I feel slits in my cheeks through which water flows. 

What I am feeling is impossible. Having gills is impossible. Impossible, just like a kid controlling electricity or fire. This means that all of these sickos tests and experiments have payed off for them at least. 

When I reach out for the electrical hum of the ear pieces in the coats and PSF's ears there is nothing, the lights? Nothing. I'm not connected anymore. I am no longer Yellow, I am what they wanted me to from the start I am something new. 

I am new.

I am not Yellow. 

I am Grey.

I am not human. 

I am...

As these thoughts race through my head, I feel the pushing of the PSF and Dr. Gallows turn into a pull. They yank my head out of the water. I try to breathe in and immediately choke on air as it tries to go through my gills. 

The PSF and three coats just watch me, one of the coats scribbling as fast as he can while the other stares. The PSF looks more like a grave than ever and Dr. Gallows has this sick smile on her face as she watches me choke on my gills. 

Even as I once again feel the call of the blackness, nothingness. My cheeks seem to grow skin over the gills and I feel things in my body moving back to their place. As I gaps in breathes, Dr. Gallows takes a radio out and says a few words before putting it away.

"How are you feeling George?" The way she speaks as if she's talking to a three year old who's just done something bad. 

I lie back on my wet bed as one of the coats grabs the fish tank and takes it out of the room. The PSF looks at me with dead eyes as Dr. Gallows coos and flaps her hands around like a bird trying to take flight. 

The scribbling coat who is still scribbling as if the President has just been murdered in front of him continues to write with plenty of haste. The other coat comes back into the room and takes up his position behind the machine, he pauses in his activity to look at Dr. Gallows in uncertainty.  

Dr. Gallows takes it all in her stride and seems to go into deep thought before looking over at the PSF who stands near my legs.

"Shoot him." 

Before I can protest the PSF brings her gun up and fires a shot into my lower thigh. A scream breaks out of my foot mouth as the hot burning pain flashes through me. The pain stays there for a few seconds before my right leg seems to just detach from my body. My right leg goes limp and doesn't move, I stop screaming and the PSF grabs my right leg and pulls, the leg falls out of the bands holding it down. It falls to the floor. The blood from the shot beginning to pool on the ground.

The coat documenting all of this has sweat pouring down her as she scribbles faster than ever. The other coat munches through the donut in his hand as if its all to much for him. The PSF as usual is dead to the world. Dr. Gallows is still smiling that sick smile that makes me want to hide. 

She turns and rips the blanket of me. The area on my right hip where there should be a leg is beginning to grow a new leg. Baby sized for now. 

"I think we are all done for the day! You got all that Dr. Digby? Agatha take him to the main ward." Says Dr. Gallows. 

Agatha pulls the hospital bed out of the room and into the hallways. Slowly my mind begins to slow, the drip the have in my arm is pumping some clear liquid that's going to keep me under for a few days at the most. 



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