Ch3: Beginning of Shinjuku

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(Clovis POV - The Next Day)

"And you are certain none of the terrorists you captured know nothing of the heist of RZX-7 Lancelot Club?"

"None at all, either the Elevens are too dumb, kept in the dark, or too stubborn to reveal anything. The only one who seemed to know anything was an uncouth brute known as Yoneda. We won't be able to get anything out of him anymore." I sighed out while looking Schneizel through our video call.

Considering that the Knightmare frame was stolen from Camelot property and it was a prototype for the next generation of frames it was unsurprising that he gets involved.

Though I would prefer not to get involved with the snake as much as possible.

Which was a lot more then I had wished it to be.

"I see, and what happened?" Schneizel asked.

"That brute after hearing of the heist tried to break out. It took about eight guards to put him down, killing two and crippling another for life before being gunned down. Given he was that apparent leader and the rest are still not talking I doubt they would know anything. They are being sent out to one of our facilities to either gather more information which I doubt the Elevens will have and for test subjects. We are starting to run low after all." I said simply.

As much as I hated to admit it, I couldn't have gotten as far as I could in Code R without the resources that Schneizel has provided. I might be in charge of this little venture, but I couldn't have gotten far with his backing.

Just the way he had possibly planned.

It was hard to tell, but let's just say I had a few things hidden up my sleeve incase Schneizel decides to move forward with whatever games he decides to play.

"I figured as much." Schneizel said before his right hand man/possible boytoy, Earl Kanon Maldini leaned in and whispered something into my elder brother's ear.

Honestly I wasn't too sure about their true relationship given Kanon has been described as his right hand man in public and private and that Schneizel has been seen with multiple woman on his arms for hours. And giving how close the two are their are plenty of rumors about the two of them.

Almost as much as for my younger brothers Castor and Pollux...

"It seems like there had been a development in our situation, a systems admin at the base has just been found to be a member of the guilty party and possibly our main suspect." Schneizel said as Kanon stepped back behind him.

"So you believe it wasn't just the Elevens behind the heist?" I asked, really hoping it wasn't.

"Possibly, the admin was excellent at hiding his involvement but not on where he received his newly acquired wealth. He was bribed to by them enough time to enter the facility. This was his second attempt as the first time was from someone high up in the JLF chain of command and the second was from someone within the E.U. when the former backed out. The second source is the most believable given their contact information and the transfer of funds originate from Germany. But this wouldn't follow their usual behavior concerning Elevens. They are considered disposable by most of the command, so to have been chosen for this task without a direct observer and given the accounts of their skills, we might be dealing with either someone withing their chain of command sympathizing with the Elevens and acting out in your area, someone going behind their backs to deal a crucial blow to Britannia or their own ends, and the most worrying of possibilities a third party working with Elevens or another of our Empire's enemies." Schneizel said seriously, getting me pale.

If this was the first two options it would spiral out into an international incident that could lead from anything from just an increase in the war effort and the E.U. being able to push back Britannia even further to losing my position as Viceroy depending on father's mood.

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