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Aurora got up early and walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower

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Aurora got up early and walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower. The warm waters running down her body as she feel relaxed. She dried herself and put on her uniform and walked to the room. She looked at the bed, Malfoy was sleeping on his stomach in the middle, messily with the covers.

She walked in front of the dresser and brushed your red hair and braided it in a side. She apply her regular coconut scented perfume and looked in the mirror for the last time, fixing her red and gold stripped tie. After she was done, she walked out off the room, when she saw.Draco stirring on the bed and got up.

She walked to the common room and sat down on the sofa until he came out, getting ready. When he came out, he looked at her and then started to walk out to the Great Hall for breakfast. She felt her hair turn fiery red. She waited for him and he didn't even talked with her and went away. She huffed and decided to avoid him as well.

She grabbed her books, parchments and other stuffs and shove them in her satchel and walked out for breakfast as well. She enter the Hall and see Malfoy sitting in his usual sit, beside Blaise. She looked away and walked to her table and sat down beside Dean.

"Good morning, guys," she greeted them, yawning.

"Morning Rory," they chorused.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"I am good."

"You look tired."

"Do I? I am sleepy, just that."

"Did Malfoy say anything to you?" Ron asked.

"You can tell us," Neville said.

"No guys, we are....fine," she muttered taking a toast and sipping her pumpkin juice.

"What is the first class?" Harry asked.

"Potions," she replied, "With the Slytherins."

"Alright, we need to be fast."

After breakfast, she walk to the Dungeons for the first class of the term, Potions. She sat down at a corner and look around. Everyone was sitting with their law-assigned partners. Malfoy came in the room with Blaise and Theodore. He looked around and walked to her seat and sat down beside you.

Aurora kept doodling on the edge of a parchment as Malfoy clears his throat from beside her.

"Um..I am-" Malfoy starts.

"Good Morning students," Professor Slughorn's cheerful voice filled the classroom.

"Now pair up with your partners, we will be making the Ageing Potion today,"

"You set up the cauldron, I will get the ingredients," Aurora said and walked to the cupboard.

She got all the ingredients but can not get the tortoiseshell as it was on the top shelf. She decided to morph her height and get it, but before she could do that, someone stands behind her and get the jar down for her. She turned around to see Malfoy standing with the jar of tortoiseshell in his hand.

"Thanks but you didn't need to as I would have morphed my-"

"Its alright. Come we need to make the Potion," Malfoy said.

She walked to her table and started crushing the shells to powder them while Malfoy stirred the red wine and prune juice together. After about one and a half hour later, their potion was ready. Aurora and Draco were the first to complete it. Professor Slughorn checked their potion and it was perfect.

"The potion of Miss Potter and Mr Malfoy is absolutely perfect. 10 points to Gryffindor and Slytherin. You two can leave now, if you want."

They both nodded as she grabbed your satchel and exited the classroom.

"Um... are you going to the dorm or Library as you have a free period?" Draco asked.

"I am going to meet Hagrid. He is with the third years," she replied. "Wanna come?"

'If I go, I will be able to soend a good time with her', Draco thought and replied, "Um yea.. sure."

They walked out off the Castle and walk towards the Forbidden Forest passing Hagrid's Hut. None of them talked in between. However the silent was broken.

"Um... I know you are angry with me.... for what I did in the morning," Draco said.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Yes. No one is around except you."

"You are talking to some Um. And I have a name which is not Um."


"You know what, I am not angry and why are you stuttering?" Aurora snapped.

"Actually, all these years, I have called you by your last name and other names..... And suddenly we are partnered and...its all..uh-"

"Messed up. I know. Actually I dont care again I do care.... whatever."

"So, if I call you Aura.... will it be a problem as no one calls you that?" Draco asked looking at her brown eyes as her hair turned light pink.

"Nah... no problem. You can call me that. Plus its a nice nickname. I like it," she smiled.

"And I also want to apologise for whatever I did-"

"In the past? Its okay. You are forgiven. Actually, I dont hold a grudge on people."


"Haha... don't mention."

"Ah! Aurora, Malfoy....So good to see you," Hagrid greeted.

Aurora jumped up and hugged Hagrid tightly, Draco looked at her, jaw dropped.

"Its so good to see you again, Hagrid. I missed you," she pulled away and look at the third years and Draco, everyone is shocked.

"I think we have disturbed you," Draco said sheepishly.

"No. Not at all. Aurora is always welcome in my classes."

"Alright, Hagrid. I just wanted to meet you. You take your classes. I will meet you again. Bye," she said and waved at him.

"Bye Aurora. Take care."

They walked back to the Castle as it was time for Charms class. The two walked in the classroom and sat behind Harry and Ginny. The class went for a long hour and finally they were dismissed. Aurora happily got up and stretched as it is Lunch time, her favourite part of the day.

"Aura... wait up!" Draco yelled from behind her as he sprinted outside but she was almost outside the classroom.

Harry and others stood there with confused looks, as no one calls her Aura.

Harry and others stood there with confused looks, as no one calls her Aura

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