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"Hey, Aurora keep your hair same," Draco mumbled resting his chin on the mismatch haired girl's shoulder as she applied her coconut scented perfume

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"Hey, Aurora keep your hair same," Draco mumbled resting his chin on the mismatch haired girl's shoulder as she applied her coconut scented perfume. "No need to change in red.."

"You like that?" she grinned.

"Of course. It looks unique with three colours and you look beautiful."

"Well then," she shook her head and her hair turned green, grey and red in shade.
She turned around and kiss on his cheeks.

"You missed?" Draco smirked.

"Really?" she giggled and pressed her lips against his cold ones.

"Woah.... I think I will come later," Ginny walked on the room causing the two to broke away from the kiss.

"Its okay Ginny. Come in."

"I just came to say, Narcissa is here and dinner is ready. Everyone is waiting."

Ginny left and the two also started to walk behind her but Draco grabbed Aurora's wrist and pulled her in him.

"Did I tell you that you look beautiful in this sweater?" Draco said.

"Of course, Dray. Its the fourth time," she chuckled. "Lets go!"

Aurora wore a red woollen sweater with red-black-white checkered pant.
Aurora walked down in the kitchen and Draco went to see his mother. She stood on the stairs and saw everyone scattered in the living room. Teddy crawled and sat in front of her feet. She bent down and picked up him. She carried him on her hip and walked to the area where Molly and Mrs Malfoy were talking.

Mrs Malfoy likes her brother, Harry and he also appreciates her for saving his life.

"Happy Christmas, Molly," she hugged the older woman. She hugged Aurora back and kissed her cheeks.

She pulled way and looked at Narcissa Malfoy, "Happy Christmas, Mrs Malfoy."

"Happy Christmas, Aurora dear. Please call me Narcissa and you look beautiful," Narcissa smiled.

"Sure, Narcissa. Thank you," Aurora said and she caressed her cheeks.

Aurora look at Draco who was watching her and his Mother. He smiled at her and she smiled back. Aurora walk to the living room and plop down between George and Harry. She place Teddy comfortably on her lap as he played with his stuffed baby wolf that George brought for him.
Last day Draco went to visit his Mother and of course he was sad about his Father though he didnt show it. Draco didnt much like his Father but he always wanted to make his Father proud.

Percy turned on the music disc and a soft Christmas Carol was playing while some sat in the kitchen and some in the living room for the big Christmas Dinner. There was roasted chicken, sauted potato and carrot with mushrooms, bread rolls, ham along with strawberry cheesecake and apple pie. There was also Butterbeer, Firewhiskey and Cranberry juice.

The delicious aroma of the foods were swirling around the room as everyone chatted, laughed and ate. The place was filled with love, happiness, merriment with the cold air and the sweet scent of the fire logs.

After dinner, everyone sat in the living room, talking about every random thing. Aurora looked at George who told her about his plan about a prank. She nodded and got up from the floor where she was sitting.

Aurora took out a Christmas crackers from her room and George another one. The two walked in the living room and saw the others busy with themselves. She glanced at Draco and he gave her a 'I know you are about to do some mischief' look. On the count of three softly, Aurora and George pulled the Christmas crackers and BANG!! The room was filled gold and silver flakes with some fireworks powder which made the surrounding a bit dirty and some people, specially Draco's face was covered with black dust. Aurora couldnt help but burst into laughter.

"AURORA!! GEORGE!!" Molly yelled covering her laugh.

"Mum... it was all Rory's plan," George reasoned.

"No. Molly. We actually.... planned it together... Last night," she whispered and the others giggled, Molly included.

"Rory, imagine your children being these troublemakers?" Ginny whispered as the grey-green-red haired sit down beside her on the floor.

"I dont think, they will be.... Or maybe," Draco piped in before Aurora could reply.

He looked at her and smirked lightly causing her to blush. After a long hour of talking and laughing, everyone went back to their respective rooms for a good night's sleep.

.·:·.. °.✧

In the morning, Aurora woke up feeling tugs in her sweaters' sleeves. She opened her eyes to see Draco sitting on her bed with Teddy on his lap, who was tugging her sleeves. She smiled and got up.

"Good morning, love," Draco greeted.

"Good morning, Dray," she say as he kissed her forhead.

"Get ready soon. I am going down."

Draco left the room and Aurora went in the bathroom to do the morning essential works. She brushed her hair and kept them down. She walked down to the kitchen and sat on a chair beside Ginny. Harry was trying to feed Teddy from the bottle while Draco was eating and talking with Ron and Percy.

Aurora sat down and started to fill her plate with some pancakes and take a sip from the orange juice. After breakfast, she sat down on the floor beside the large decorated pine tree with Teddy on her lap. Victoire was sitting in front with Bill. Teddy and Victoire were playing while Aurora looked around to see everyone coming towards the tree.

"Rory, this is for you," Harry kissed her head giving her a red box.

"Thank you, brother," she beamed and opened the box.

It had a pair of earrings with pearl and black gems. Looking at the present, her hair turned light blue. Everyone exchanged their presents and all became busy opening them. Aurora gave Draco a big box of his favourite sweets along with his favourite cologne that she got from a Muggle shop. She gave everyone their favourite things. From Draco she got a charm necklace that glowed red as he fastened it around her neck.

"It will glow red for as long as I will love you and stay by your side," Draco whispered.



Aurora got a new set of Puddlemere United's jumpers from Ron and Hermione. Molly made her and Draco matching sweaters of green colours like the others. While a big box of fireworks, WWW's and Zonko products from George.

"Aurora, you got them but dont you dare to use them in here!" Hermione warned.

"Sure Mione. And I will use them in Hogwarts as we will be going there next week," she grinned and the others laughed.

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LOVE DROPS	─draco malfoy ✓Where stories live. Discover now