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One week before Christmas holidays

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One week before Christmas holidays....

"Aurora what it this, you are wearing?" Draco rose his eyebrows as the red haired walked out off the room wearing a weird mismatched outfit with various necklaces.

"Well Draco, this is called hippie outfit. Dunno why it is called this but -"

"Actually, you are looking good in that," he said. "And now lets go."

They walk out off the dorm and head to Hagrid's hut for a tea party containing only nine people; Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Nevile, Luna, Draco, Aurora and Hagrid.

They came out off the Castle and soon reached outside of Hagrid's hut. Aurora knocked on the door and hear sounds coming from inside. After a moment, Hagrid opened the door, a apron hanging over his brown robes as he welcomed her and Draco in. It was seen the other six were already there.

Aurora took some cauldron cakes with you and then handed them to Hagrid. He offered her all his special tea along with the cauldron cakes and pumpkin pasties. They all chatted merrily taking sips from the cups. Hagrid told them all about his classes. He was now the official teacher for Care of Magical Creatures.

At around 5:30pm, Aurora bade farewell to Hagrid and started for the Castle. As she and Draco were walking up to the moving stairs, she looked at him.

"You know, life is now no fun. I cant prank because of Harry and you," she huffed ausing Draco to chuckle. "I want a twist to happen soon."

"Well you know -woah!" Draco exclaimed and caught her as she miss a step and was about to fall.

"Ow! I cant stand," you hiss.

"I am taking you to Madam Pomfrey," Draco said and picked her up in bridal style.

He walked in the Hospital Wing and called Madam Pomfrey. She came in as Draco put Aurora on one of the beds. Madam Pomfrey examined the girl and sighed.

"Missed a step, again?" she asked.

Aurora nodded hopelessly.

"Well its not the first time. But this time, you sprained your left ankle," Madam Pomfrey said and fed Aurora a drink. "Drink this and after one hour, you can go back.
She went back to her chamber as Draco took a seat beside Aurora. She looked at him and frowned as he started to laugh.

"What is so funny, ferret?" she hiss.

"Aurora, you... Dont call me that!"

"Alright. So what is funny now, Draco?"

"You wanted a twist to happen and..," he broke in laughter again, "..You twisted your ankle."

"Very funny. I didnt want this type of twist."

After one hour, as they were dismissed, Draco helped her to go back to the dorm. As they enter, she walked, stumbling to the bathroom and get changed in a sweater, Molly made her last year. She came out and sat down on the bed. Draco was laying, his eyes closed. She ruffled his hair and kiss his cheeks as he opened his eyes.

"Dr-Draco... I- I tho-thought you were... asleep."

"Aurora, it doesn't matter if I caught you showing me -"

"Affection," she giggled as he sat up straight.

Draco leaned in, their faces inches away. Aurora put her hand on his cheeks and caress his cheekbones and jaw.

"Draco, from next week, holidays are starting?" she spoke.

"Yes and do you...."

"Yes, will you come to the Burrow with me?"

Draco's eyes lit up, "I knew, you would say this. Here look," he handed her a letter thing. She unfolded it and her hair turned light blue,

Son, I know your holidays are starting from next week. And yes you can go to the Burrow with Aurora. I will meet you there. I already sent a letter to Molly and she is okay with it. Harry also thinks it is a good idea. Hoping to see you soon, dear. Take care and give my love to Aurora.
~your mother, Narcissa.

Aurora smiled and looked at Draco who is smiling, "Yes! It will be a great Christmas."

"Yeah. And I hope I will get a sweater like yours," Draco said.

"Yeah, we will have matching ones!" she beamed and being unable to control yourself, she fell on floor. Draco tried to catch her but failed and fell on top of her. Both of them burst into laughter.

"You look cute while laughing," he removed a strand of hair from her eyes.

"And you look like an idiot," she said and connected her lips with his. After a moment she pull away and Draco pulled her up on the bed.

She laid on her side as Draco did the same and faced her,

"Say, Draco? What do you want to be after graduation?"

"Um.... I am thinking of joining St.Mugnos as a Healer."

"Oh! Thats cool but the Healer training is of six months, isnt it?"

"Yes! And what about you?"

"Well, I have thought of joining the Ministry in the Department of Magical Creatures."

"Well thats likely. Hagrid will be super happy," Draco said and she giggled. "I can already see you with a baby mooncalf in your one hand and a baby hippogriff on your shoulder and -"

"You are getting attacked again by Buckbeak," she say and burst into laughter. Draco looked at her for a moment, looking at her happy, laughing face and then joined her.

He looked her, she was happy as he wanted her to be. And for the first time Draco felt content seeing her, his Aura happy.

 And for the first time Draco felt content seeing her, his Aura happy

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Hey!! Next chap will be about the Christmas holidays and yeah Thank You so much who are are reading and loving this book. I really appreciate it. Stay safe and good. Love and appreciate

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