Chapter 13: Operation

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•~Third Person View~•

The beeping of the monitor filled the four cornered room. 10 girls were just anxiously waiting for a specific girl but it's been more than 10 hours and she hasn't arrived yet. Eunbi was getting really worried for the girl.

Another hour has passed by but still no sign. Eunbi, being the group's mom and the only one awake right now called Chaewon but still no answer. She was getting worried by the minute so she woke up her girlfriend and asked for the car keys which Chaeyeon reluctantly gave.

She sped through the highway and into the parking lot. After exiting the car, she then ran towards their dorm but to her surprise, no one was there. No sign of Chaewon. Literally. Not one of her belongings were there.

How? What happened? Well, let's rewind what happened in Chaewon's POV shall we?

•~A Couple Of Hours Ago~•

•~Chaewon's POV~•

I saw the note and I was shaking. No, this person can't hurt them. Please. I silently prayed. Hoping to be answered. Then just like that, my phone went off and saw an unknown number. Huh?

Chaewon was anxious to accept the call because what if it was a fan? Or Press? But in the end, her curiosity got the best of her. She answered with a hello.

"Not remembering your old friend now?"

"Excuse me but who is this?"

"Haha, well, I was gone for too long I guess. Well, if you really don't know, the name is Jang Gyuri."

"Gyuri?! Hey! I missed you! You were gone for so long! How was US?"

"Oh you know. Just normal. I'm actually coming home today and I'm now at the airport. It's a few hours of flight but it's fine. I actually want to come home because of you. I heard about your sickness and I wanted to be there for my bestfriend. And since the you guys advertise the company I'm working for, they said I can take care of you. They didn't believe it at first but I showed them our picture together when we were kids."

"Wow, that's great. I really need you right now."

"Uh sure! I'll try to make there as fast as I can ok?"

"Sure. And also, can I stay at your apartment?"

"Why? Don't you have a dorm or sonething with your members?"

"Well, we actually moved to another apartment to live with our other close friends but I'll tell you when I see you."

"Ok, bye~!"


I then saved her number and started packing my bags. In the middle of it, I heard a knock. "Chaewon-ah. We'll go to see Yena at the hospital. Are you coming?" I heard Eunbi unnie's voice.

"N-no unnie. I can't see her." Even if I want to, I can't. Someone's watching. Unnie then mumbled an ok and told me to go there at the hospital after a few hours since I didn't have anyone with me.

After hearing everyone leave, I grabbed every evidence that there was a Kim Chaewon in this dorm and my car keys. Then I dragged my things onto my car and started it. I think I'll just wait for Gyuri at the airport.

I drove off onto the airport and waited. After 10 hours, I saw Gyuri, standing and trying to find me so waved my hand. We talked and talked until we reached her old apartment. Her apartment was better than our dorm.

Gyuri is incredibly rich. She runs but doesn't own a company but still works for another. Well, she actually runs our company whenever she's needed so she still needs another work. I really trust Gyuri with my life and I lover her as a bestfriend but I know she has feelings for me.

I'm not dense really. I know she has feelings and don't you say that I'm assuming things since before she even went to the US, which was 5 years ago, she confessed to me at the airport. But despite that, I still love her as a bestfriend.

I then told her everything. And if I said everything, I mean everything. Just except the part where me and Yena unnie had sex. I told her we did it just not the full details. She was so happy when I told her that I have a girlfriend and she also told me stories about her life in th US.

Apparently, she was now studying Mechanical Engineering. I was happy when she said she moved on and now has a boyfriend named Felix. She said he looked like me which was weird at first but when I heard her stories about him, I think she really is in love with him.

I then asked her if I could just stay at her place unti I figure out who the note was from and she said sure. Well, I'm her bestfriend so why shouldn't she say yes?

•~1 Week Later~•

Today is my operation and I told my manager and agency to not let the girls know. I actually keep an eye out for them but would avoid them. I just monitor them and Yena unnie since the person who sent the note must be watching. Who knows right?

The operation was gonna be 7 to 10 hours and I was scared. I'm scared that it will hurt. I don't know what I'm going to do. Being hurt was one of the things I'm scared of, but I felt a whole lot better when Gyuri told me that I was gonna be fine.

School wasn't my top prority for the past week and I kept a huge distance when I see them. I noticed that they were taking turns on taking care of unnie. I made sure that they would never see me  so I changed my hair color to my natural hair color, brown.

My hair grew more and I used extensions sometimes and I also use the boys' uniform so I wouldn't get noticed. I also use wigs. I the  wear an over sized hoodie so they can't see me. I can't afford to give in to them now.

As I layed on the hospital bed, I remembered Yena unnie. How is she? Is she fine? Is she doing alright? Is she stable? Does she look fine? Will she like what I'm doing if she was awake? Will she look for me once she's awake? How about her promise? She didn't fulfill it.

"Chaewon-ssi. Time to go." The nurse said and I just nodded my head to her. I was scared but good thing Gyuri was by my side. She was always there. Sometimes not physically but she would always answer my texts even if she was asleep.

She would listen to my rantings even if it was in the middle of the night. She would always tell me that she loves me and that everything is fine. But with all that, I really just think of her as a bestfriend. Good thing she moved on.

As the medicine was injected into me, my eyes began to feel droopy. My eye lids become heavier and heavier until I didn't realize that I fell asleep.

•~Gyuri's POV~•

I really feel so sorry for Chaewon. To be honest, I still haven't moved on. I only liked Felix since he looked like her. I waited for about 8 hours until I heard the door open.

I stood up and approached the doctor while he just smiled at me saying silently that the operation was succesful. "You know, I didn't operate on her." The doctor said. What?

But when I asked him who, he just silently shook his head and mumbled a 'You'll know soon.' I was just left there and watched him walk away.

A nurse then walked over to me and handed me things to wear so I could go visiy Chaewon in the Recovery Room. I walked in and saw that she had a dextrose on her left hand while a monitor was recording her heartbeat.

Don't worry Chaewon-ah, I'll protect you.


Yow, sorry for the short update but I really need to finish this so I can publish the chapter for the other 3 books.

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