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How could I have been so stupid?! Not using a condom when I know she's off her birth control but goddammit she could have stopped me. I drove around aimlessly for what seemed like hours even though it had in fact only been 15 minutes.

"What the fuck are you doing Oliver you cowardly piece of shit." I muttered to myself before running my hand through my hair and sobbing. "I shouldn't have run out like that....she's not going to want me any more." Hot tears streaming down my face, then I remembered that Vic was there. A low growl emminated from my throat and i put my foot on the gas. "I'm not going to let him take Moriah again."

I was home in 3 minutes flat but not before buying roses for Moriah. I busted through the door as everyone's head shot up as I looked for Moriah's face. "O-Oli?" She stuttered, looking surprised and I nodded. She shooed everyone away before walking over to me, her face just inches from mine. "Are you leaving me?" She choked out, a tiny sob held at the back of her throat. I shook my head and sighed. "I'm so sorry Moriah I was such a dick. I-I can't believe I thought that would even be an option. I love you and if you'll have me I'd like to stay." I told her, he head shot up from looking at her feet as tears filled her eyes.

"You-you wabt to stay with me?" She questioned and I took her face in my hands before kissing her softly. "I want to stay with you forever."

She sighed and smiled as she kissed me softly. I hadn't even noticed that Vic had stormed out the front door.

"I love you Moriah. You mean the world to me and if this baby is what you want then it's what I want too." I cried, tears streaming down both our faces now as I held her. Austin had some how managed to slip into the kitchen as Moriah took my hand.
"Can we cuddle?" She asked me, I nodded eagerly before scooping her up in my arms and carrying her to the bedroom.

Soon, Moriah and I were both cuddling shirtless and I could feel Moriah tracing over my tattoos with her tiny hands. I picked them up slowly and kissed each one of them delicately before pressing my lips to her nose. Her face scrunched up but she sighed happily. "I love you Oliver Scott Sykes."
"I love you too Moriah Renae Sykes."

She giggled. "We're not even married yet."
"In my mind we are."
Her smile could end wars I swear to God. She is literally the most beautiful woman I have ever met.

Her breathing became soft as her eyes became heavy and soon she was asleep. I will never understand why I would have ever thought about giving this up.

Vic was never ever going to try and take her again.


"After all he put her through she still went back to him. I'm not gonna have this shit anymore Kels." I yelled over the phone to him. I heard him sigh as he coughed. "Dude, she's having his baby. Who else would she stay with?" He asked me. Rage over came me as I clenched the steering wheel.

"You don't understand I lov-" But i was cut off by te sound of tires screeching and glass shattering as my car was thrown across the intersection, hitting the pole. The phone fell to the floor as Kellin yelled to me. Then everything went black.

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