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Moriah POV

It all started with the phone call, then the dizziness, rushing to the car. I couldn't catch my breath. Victor Vincent Fuentes had been in a major car accident and had to be rushed into emergency surgery. Bursting into the emergency room which was filled with doctors and frantic faces. I spotted Mike and his parents in the sea of chaos. "Michael!" I shouted, his head shot up and you could see the tears running down his face. "M-Moriah!" He said as I ran over to hug me tightly, i could feel the tears that were falling freely from his face. "Where is he? Is he alright?" I asked him before looking over at his parents. "Oh Moriah I'm so glad you're here." Mama Fuentes said before hugging me. "Is he gonna be alright?" I asked once again, squeezing Oli's hand as I did so. 

"They say the surgery could take a few more hours." Kellin came up from behind and I sighed, tears coming down my face. I sat down in one of the chairs before Kellin, Vic, Jaime, and Tony joined us. I shook my head. "How could this happen?" I sobbed, turning to Oli and crying into his chest. He placed his chin on my head and hummed to me while rubbing my back with slow circles. 

"Do you remember how we all met?" Jaime mumbled trying to cheer up the mood. I looked up and wiped my eyes before chuckling. 

"How could I forget?" I laughed a little before sighing and closing my eyes. 


"Moriah you don't understand! You need to take a break from studying!" Sam whined to me as I rolled my eyes. 

"Sam you don't understand, I need to pass this class for college other wise I can't get a job." I sighed, clearly frustrated but Sam didn't seem to care. 

"Moriah Renae Dawson I will kill us both I really don't give a fuck." She yelled, stomping her foot on the ground. I rolled my neck and my shoulders. 

"Okay fine I'll go to the Pierce The Veil concert with you. Fucking asshole." I muttered as she jumped up and down.

"Fuck yeah I'm so fucking stoked right now!" I laughed before getting changed and hoping into my car. 

"Pierce The Veil! Pierce The Veil! Pierce The Veil!" Sam chanted out the window of my car. I giggled and sighed. I wouldn't miss this for the world. 

Once there, we found the venue to be so fucking packed it was ridiculous. "Dude there's so many people!" Sam shouted and I nodded, hearing the whispers around me. 

"They're not even here yet." One girl said. 

"Yeah they probably got lost." 

"Oh but I wanted to see Bae!! Jaime!!!" 

fucking thirteen year olds I swear. 

I looked around before accidentally tripping over someone's foot and landed on my ass as they spilled their drink on me. It smelt of alcohol and that meant I would too. 

"What the fuck man watch where you're going!" I shouted, not looking up. 
"Shit I'm so sorry I didn't see you there. You alright?" The man asked me, his voice was angelic. 

"Nah man. I just gotta get the alcohol off me." I muttered as a hand reached out to help me up. 

"Thanks..." I trailed off when I saw who it was. 

Victor Vincent Fuentes. 

He laughed a little before hiding his face. "We're uh, trying to surprise fans but I guess our cover has been blown." He chuckled lightly before looking at me. 

"Do you need a new shirt? I've got plenty on the bus." He offered and I shook my hd. 

"No no it'll be fine. I don't wanna intrude." I told him and smiled when a much taller man came over and stood net to vic. 

"I think Tony has a few shirts too that'll look good on her." Mike smiled and Sam let out a small shriek. 

"Ohmygod!" She whispered and I blushed before looking up at Vic. 

"I insit that you take one of my shirts. I don't want any boys getting the idea that you're tipsy and you know..."He widened his eyes and lifted his eye brows as I bit my lip. 

"I guess...." I told him as he smiled and took my hand. "Let's go!" 

Once on the bus, he rummaged through his shirt drawer before pulling out a muscle tee and handing it to me. I smiled and nodded before changing in the back lounge. 

"So the fans think you got lost." I told them and they laughed. 

"Just a little trick Jaime came up with." I could hear Mike smirking. 

"Oh shut the fuck up Mike." 


I woke up in Oli's arms and rubbed my eyes. "Hi sweetie." He told me, kissing my nose before kissing my lips. 

"Mhm hi." I mumbled and stretched as I looked around the room....which had changed since I had falled asleep. 

"Where-" I began to ask as my eyes landed on Vic on the bed. 

"Vic?" I asked, shocked as I ran over, looking at my friends broken body. 
"Vic...I'm so sorry....Vic...." I pleaded as I held his hand. I stayed like that for a good 5 minutes before his hand twitched and I looked up at him. 

"Vic?" I asked tentatively as I heard a groan come from him. He stirred a bit before gasping for air, eyes widening. 

"Vic!?" I yelled as everyone woke up to see Vic moving. 

"Vic!!" I said happily as I cried into his arms he gave me some kind of pat before I looked up at him, my face dropping when I saw confusion on his face. 

"Um...who are you?" He asked me, I felt my heart sink to my feet. 

Vic didn't know who I was anymore. 

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