Loneliness and Decisions

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     It was quite a shock when the pandemic hit, nobody expecting something so big to happen here. It had seemed like such a far off thing, happening somewhere far from Magnolia. Before anybody realized, the country was in quarantine, all the cities going down into lock-down.

      Lucy did not expect living alone to be as bad as it was. She had been living alone in this apartment for a year now, but was constantly surrounded with friends and company, so when she was forced to go without human contact for god knows how long, things started getting worse.

      At first she thought it'd be okay, she'd handle it, but after giving loneliness about a month or two she gave up. There was no way she could handle much longer without going insane. Stuffed animals weren't the greatest conversationalists and it was only so much face-timing and calls could do.

      Of course she could bug a friend to come live with her, but she'd feel awkward with them all being in relationships and all. Even Juvia finally got together with the guy she was mooning over. It was pretty funny finding out the Instagram star she was drooling over was Lucy's best friend Gray though. They still laugh about it every time.

      So when Levy offered to come live with her for a while, she was really tempted to say yes, and yet,..."Levy, I honestly love you for that but I'd feel bad for both you and Gajeel. How would he survive without you exactly?" Levy laughed on screen as she rolled her eyes "He'd have to deal with it. He at least has his cat to keep him company. You're completely alone!!"

      Gajeel pushed his way onscreen to point an accusing finger towards Lucy "and still, she's not staying with you." Lucy raised her arms defensively as Levy swatted his arm away. "No but seriously, what are you going to do? You can't just stay by yourself. Oh!" Her eyes lit up with an idea. She turned to Gajeel grabbing his arm and giving him puppy eyes "Can she stay with us? Please?" Lucy could see Gajeel hesitate before she interrupted quickly "Nono, it's fine. I really wouldn't want to get between you two."

      Levy was about to argue that she wouldn't bother them before she paused and sighed "fine. But at least find someone." Suddenly she grins slyly "Didn't you have that one neighbour? That,...pink dude?" Lucy blushes before feigning nonchalance "Right. Do I just walk up to him like 'Hey! You're nice, I'm lonely, wanna live with me?' How does that work?!?"

      Gajeel barks a laugh while Levy rolls her eyes "Yup. Exactly like that. But seriously, just ask. You'll be fine." And for some reason Lucy decided to believe her. For another week their conversation kept swirling around in Lucy's head. Maybe she could ask? No, don't be an idiot. But,...she could just give it a try? Couldn't she? Perhaps he was dying of boredom too so they'd be helping each other out.

It wasn't too much of a surprise when that was the first thing Gray asked when he came around that week either "So, I heard you were gonna ask that neighbour of yours to stay with you?" Lucy couldn't help but roll her eyes with a groan as she gave him his hoodie back that he'd forgot "and Levy and Gajeel need to learn to keep to themselves."

He laughed as he took his hoodie back "but are you actually planning on maybe asking him?" She sighed leaning on the door frame "I honestly don't know. Maybe? It's getting to the point I even considered staying with my dad for now." Gray's expression hardened at this "Luce. You can't possibly actually go back to that man after we barely got you out of there."

She avoided his gaze as she crossed her arms "I know. I didn't say I was planning on it. Just thinking about it." Gray frowned, but just as he was about to open his mouth, the door behind him opened. He paused, flashing her a wide grin not unlike the Cheshire cat. Before she could do anything, he whirled around to door across from hers, making his way to the man that just walked out "Hey Man!"

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