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          Raven blinked, life returning to her empty red eyes. It was almost like she could feel every atom swimming around her body and into the core of her soul, as she assimilated a surge of conceit towards her reawakened mind. She swallowed the last gulp of the quenching taste before detaching her fangs from his neck, realizing her hopeless situation.

          "I told you to stop calling me that," she mumbled, backing away with bloodstains all over her lips.

           Scott lifted his hand up to cup her face lightly, stroking the pale skin of her cheek. Reminiscing their childhood days, he repeated, "Then tell me your name."

          She slowly lifted her head up to meet his gentle eyes. A moment after catching a glimpse of his pained expression, she ended up looking away and brushed his hand away from her face, not able to stand his overbearing warmth. "You remember me?"

          "You've been on my mind everyday for the last twelve years. You don't know how much I regretted leaving you."

          She frowned from the pain of her heart clench. He still had memories of the little girl he played with twelve years ago, not Raven.

          A deep, apoplectic voice interrupted her from behind. "Raven."

          She felt Scott halt from the intensity of the pressure coming from behind her, the urge to kneel down inundating her guts. The eerie trees of the night swayed wildly in all directions as the suddenly amplified wind blew against her long black hair. She could tell by his scent—and the murderous intent that came with it. Preparing for the worst, she took a step back and gradually dared to turn around. Cross stood there, staring straight into her eyes with the coldest expression he has ever directed towards her. 

          "Don't come any closer, smelling of another man's blood," he hissed. "I can love only you for as long as time permits, but you. . ."


          "It's a complicated pain, huh? The eclipse of a pureblood: his own pure desire."

          His words pierced through her and allowed her access to how he was feeling every time he came over to visit. It was at this moment that she completely understood the depth of Cross' pain, proving that she wasn't the only one suffering throughout the years.

          She was stripped of the courage to make excuses for herself, under the immense pressure of his glare. She swallowed, licking her lips clean and hesitantly wiped the area around her mouth. It all happened in a flash. The wild rustling of the leaves slowed down and in an instant, Cross closed the distance between them. He planted a soft lingering sensation on her lips before vanishing into the night. The color of his empty iris seeped into the redness of the moon.

          "Anyone more trusting isn't with us anymore, they don't exist," Agnes whispered to no one in particular; something she did often. "Freya, I'm always right."

The dead can't talk.
          The little girl awakes from her momentary slumber. She was all alone and the silence terrified her. Surrounded with leaves, she rose from the ground and exited the tree hollow. Tears welled up in her eyes as she caught sight of numerous bodies on the ground. She screamed in fear, running under the endless canopies of trees. The cries of a five-year-old echoed across the woods as she fell into the pile of snow, wounding herself.

          "Cross sure knows how to please his brother. Suggesting a war like this," a menacing voice appeared from behind as her wails got louder.

          The face of a bloodthirsty beast horrified her to the point where the trauma could plausibly remain. The moment he bared his fangs hungrily at her, he fell to the ground, motionless, revealing a certain silhouette behind him.

          The boy stared at her, sniffing the air around her. His cold, empty eyes pierced through the little girl, whose face gone pale as she noticed that he was covered in blood. He kneeled down in front of her frozen body, scrutinizing her eyes.

          "You're Raven."

"Cross, why did you save me that day?"

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"Cross, why did you save me that day?"

Because your eyes reflected the same emptiness I held in mine.

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