Chapter 10

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'But why ? Why would I be jealous ? If Tewksbury wants a wife, fine. He can do whatever he wants.'

Enola could repeat these sentences all day but the feeling won't leave. She tried to read  but she couldn't concentrate.

"Ugh !" she exclaimed, closing the book.

She walked out of the library and went to her room. 

'What could I do ?' she thought, 'it's pretty late, maybe I should get some sleep.'

She lay down on her bed and closed her eyes. Only to open them 10 seconds later.

'I don't want to sleep.'

 She got up and paced the room. 

'I could go get some fresh air.'

She opened her window.

'No. It's too cold.'

Still pacing the room.

'Maybe I could practice my fighting moves.'

She was about to when she stopped.

'Oh, no I can't, I have a broken arm.'

Still pacing the room.

'You know what ? I'm hungry.'

She walked out of her room and headed to the kitchen. She looked for some food but nothing left from dinner.

'I could cook something.'

She thought about something she was able to cook.

'Wait. I forgot I can't cook.'

She sighed and was about to leave when someone opened the door.

"Tewksbury ?"

"Enola, what are you doing here ? It's late."

"I was hungry. Then I realized I never learned how to cook. What about you ?"

"I couldn't sleep so I wanted a cup of milk. Wait you've never cooked ?!"

"Hey, don't judge me !"

"I wasn't. I could help you. I'm not tired anyway."

"Well you're my last hope because I'm starving right now."

"Okay let's do it. What do you want to do ?"

"I don't know. But I would kill for something sweet."

"Alright. What's your favorite dessert ?"

"Um... The strawberry shortcake ! Oh my god I'm really starving now."

"Then let's start. First, we do the biscuits. We need butter, flour, sugar and milk."

"Here you go."

"Okay. Now, put the flour and sugar together, and add the butter."

She poured the sugar in a bowl and Tewksbury took the flour. He was about to pour it when he had an idea. He smirked.

"Ew, what are you doing ?!" Enola said, coughing because of the flour he threw at her.

"Sorry I couldn't resist." the boy laughed.

"Viscount Irritation Marquess of Bothersomeshire you are so dead !" she yelled, throwing a handful of flour at the boy.

"Hey ! I was laughing, my mouth was open !" he said, spitting the white powder.

"Oh, my bad, do you want some water ?" 

"That would be good thank you."

So she threw him a glass of water.

"NO ! Now it's a viscous paste ! Enola Holmes you are going to regret that."

He put his arms around her waist. She tried to escape but she slipped because of the water on the floor and fell, taking Tewksbury down with her.

"Ouch !"

There was a moment of silence before they both started to laugh. Tewksbury turned his head to look at her, their faces now 2 centimeters apart. They immediately stopped laughing and stared at each other for a moment, before hearing the door opening.

Enola and TewksburyWhere stories live. Discover now