Chapter 22

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The next morning, Tewksbury opened his eyes to feel something in his arms. He looked down and saw his arms wrapped around Enola.

'How did this happen ?'

He tapped on her head and she woke up.

"Good morning."  he smiled at her confused face.

"What am I doing here ?"

"I was hoping you had the answer."

"Well, I came to your room because I couldn't sleep. Then we talked but you fell asleep. The last thing I remember is-" she stopped, "Nevermind. I have to get ready before breakfast."

"Are you okay ?"

"Yeah- yes. I'll join you downstairs."

*2 weeks later*

Enola stood in front of the mirror. She wanted to sigh but it wasn't that bad. She wore a yellow ball gown dress, not so uncomfortable after all. Her hair was in a braided bun and she'd put a daffodil, that Tewksbury had gifted her this morning, in it. The girl walked towards her dressing table and took a box in one of the drawers. She opened it and took the necklace Tewksbury gave her a year ago. She took one last quick look at her reflection and, satisfied, headed downstairs. 

'Let's just hope it will end better than last year' She winced, thinking about Thomas.

Enola looked for Tewksbury but couldn't find him anywhere.

"Enola, darling !" she heard Lady Tewksbury say. "Happy birthday !"

"Oh, uh, thank you ! And also for... all this, it must have been very expensive."

"No, no, it's okay don't worry. You're very important to us."

"Have you seen your son ? I have been looking for him for 20 minutes."

"Oh, no. He must be in his room, or... something like that. Uh... now if you'll excuse me I have to go... talk to people."

'Well, she definitely can't lie. If she won't tell me I'll find out by myself. Okay let's think. Last year he made me a strawberry shortcake. Maybe he is in the kitchen.'

She went to the kitchen. A lot of people but no Tewksbury in sight.

'What does he like to do ? Playing piano ?'

She ran to his secret room. Still no Tewksbury. 

'Ugh. When I'll find him I swear I'm going to-'

"Hey" he said in her ear.

She jumped, turned around and punched him. All that in a second.

"Ow !" 

"Oh my god, don't sneak up on me like that !"

"I'll keep that in mind." Tewksbury replied, wincing in pain, "Anyways, happy birthday !"

He handed her a bouquet of tulips.

"Thank you." He could've sworn she was blushing.

"You look beautiful. Love the necklace." He smirked.

 "Me too." she smiled, "Uh... do you need ice or can we go to the ballroom ?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Let's go."

She nodded and they walked towards the ballroom.

"So where were you ? I was looking for you."

"Oh, uh, I was... in my room. Getting dressed and all that..."

"You really can't lie, can you ?"

"What ?" he said in a high-pinched voice, "I'm not lying, why would you think I'm lying ? Because I'm not."

She glared at him.


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