Chapter 12

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The next day, Enola was reading when she heard the front door opening.

'Oh no, not again. Who is it this time ?'

She decided she didn't want to know so the girl stayed in the library for rest of the morning.


After lunch, Enola was going upstairs when she bumped into someone.

"Ouch ! I'm sorr- Thomas ?"

"Who are- wait. Enola ? Oh my god !"

They hugged. 

"It's been such a long time !"

"What is going on here ?" Tewksbury asked, joining them with Eliza.

"When were you going to tell me Thomas is here ?"

"Well, I didn't know you knew each other."

"Of course we do ! Our moms were best friend before mine... died." Thomas said, his smile fading at the end.

"Oh... I'm sorry."

"No no it's okay, we used to play together when we were younger. I always wanted to play games but Enola forced me to play chess."

"And I always won."

"But we lost contact after my mother death. I needed to be alone for a moment."

'Well this moment lasted a very long time. Although, I wish it lasted forever.'  Tewksbury thought.

"Listen Enola I am truly sorry. I should have talked to you or at least sent a letter. How can I make it up to you ?"

"It's okay. To be honest, I kind of forgot about you these last years. I have been really... busy."

"So am I forgiven ?"

"Of course." she smiled. "But what are you doing here ?"

"I went to visit my sister." he said pointing at Eliza.

"Your what ?!" Enola and Tewksbury.

"Eliza is my little sister."

"I'm only one year younger than him." the girl said.

"Well, that's... surprising."

"Um... I have to go I have a fencing lesson." Tewksbury lied.

"Since when do you take-"

"Bye." he interrupted her, leaving.

He went to his room and lay down on his bed, sighing. 

'Oh no.'

The feeling.

Enola and TewksburyWhere stories live. Discover now