Chapter 13

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During the next weeks, Enola was spending most of her time with Thomas, catching on, and Tewksbury with Eliza.

The two didn't really speak. Just a few words but the awkwardness could be felt by everyone in the room. And she didn't see him a lot lately. He was busy doing God knows what.

The weeks passed by and Enola's birthday was coming. She didn't want a big celebration, but Lady Tewksbury insisted, and invited half of the country to a ball. Well, that was an exaggeration. Half of the high society. She just hoped it wouldn't end like the last one.

On the morning of her birthday, the first thing Enola saw when she woke up was a white box with a gold ribbon on the table. She opened the present and found a card.

Happy birthday


She looked in the box and found a painting of her in the garden. At the bottom right there was a signature.

'Thomas ?'

The girl put on a dress and ran down the stairs, looking for her friend. She found him reading in the living room and hugged him.

"What was that for ?" he laughed.

"The painting is beautiful."

"Uh okay but wha-"

"Enola !" Lady Tewksbury interrupted him, "Happy birthday darling !"

She hugged her.

"Oh, right, happy birthday !" Thomas said.

"I've got you a beautiful dress for tonight. It must be already in your room."


The day passed by and Enola didn't see Tewksbury once. Probably because she was in her room most of the day, getting ready.

It was almost 8pm when she heard voices. The girl looked out the window and saw the carriages. Someone knocked at her door so she opened it.


"Hi." Tewksbury replied. "Uh, I just wanted to give you this before the ball."

He gave her a little box. She opened it and saw a gold necklace with a diamond flower.

"Happy birthday."

She didn't answer but hugged him.

"I love it, thank you. I missed talking to you."

"Me too. I'm sorry about that, I was busy with something."

She stared at him before her face lit up.

"I'll forgive you if you accept to walk down the stairs with me."

"What ?"

"Accompany me."

"Don't you prefer Thomas to do it ?"

"Why would I ? You're my friend too."

'Friend. Ouch, that hurt.'

"Then, of course I'll go with you."

He offered her his arm, she took it, and they got out of the room. They waited to be a announced, then walked down the stairs together.

"You look beautiful by the way", he whispered.

"And you look like a nincompoop."

"This is getting a little old isn't it ?"

"No it isn't."

"Alright then."

*an hour later*

Enola, Tewksbury, Thomas and Eliza were talking when the viscount apologized and said that he had to go somewhere.

"Hey, Eliza, um, do you know what Tewksbury has been doing lately ?"

"Not really, he always has to go somewhere do something and never tells me what."

A few minutes later, they heard gasps and applause. Enola turned around and saw Martha bringing a cake. But not just any cake. A strawberry shortcake. She looked at her favorite dessert and noticed something beside it. She took the card and read it. 

Happy birthday


'Oh my god.'

Tewksbury was the only one to know her favorite cake. And the card was signed T. Like the painting.

'Thomas didn't paint it. Tewksbury did ! Oh god, I didn't even thank him. I am a bad friend and detective.'

She turned around and saw the boy looking at her. Enola put herself together and walked towards him.

"So you were busy huh ?"

Enola and TewksburyWhere stories live. Discover now