Chapter 1

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Bruce groaned, rolling over. He had a slight headache, and he was very sore. He sat up, squinting his eyes against the bright light. He patted himself over, looking for any injuries. The last thing he remembered was turning into the hulk to fight the army that Loki had brought to New York.

New York.


He stood up quickly, fully wake now. He looked around the room he was in. When he had woken up, at first he had thought he had been put into this room until the hulk calmed down, but he quickly realized that that couldn't be it. There were people in the room with him.

Bruce looked around at the people, trying to figure out what was happening. He saw that his entire team was there, all asleep. He figured out that the battle couldn't have happened long ago, due to the small rubble and dirt covering himself and his teammates.

Did we lose? Did Loki take us?

But there thoughts were soon stopped as his eyes landed in something even more troubling.

Loki was unconscious on the right side of the room, so that Bruce didn't see him right away, but he was still easy to see. Bruce was starting to panik. Someone managed to capture two Norse gods and the hulk. He had a reason to be worried. He ran up to Tony, who wasn't in his Iron Man suit, weirdly. He shook him forcefully, and he woke with a start.

Tony Pov:

Tony woke to being shaken. Hard. He woke up quickly, rolling away from the person shaking him. After a few seconds, he was was awake enough to see that it was Bruce that had shaken him awake.

Why is Bruce here?

Tony rubbed his head, trying to calm down his headache. He stood up, and was about to ask him, when he heard a groan. He whipped around. His eyes landed on the strangest sight.

He saw all of the avengers, lying unconscious over the floor. He then realized that he had no idea where he was. He another groan, coming from the same person, but it wasn't any of the Avengers. He strode over to where a huge couch was, splitting the room In half. The couch was facing the opposite wall, which held a large T.V.

But he didn't focus on that, because he was too busy staring.

He was staring at a group of people, most of them kids. His eyes caught on a young man, maybe sixteen or seventeen, who was wearing clothes that were stained with something that looked horribly like blood.

He stepped forward to check the kid for injuries. He had just concluded that he didn't have any injuries that he could see, (which didn't calm him very much, as the kid was still covered in BLOOD) when he heard the same person groaning again. This time, it was accompanied by movement. He turned to see a middle aged, black man sitting up, just having come to. He walked over to the man cautiously, as he didn't have his suit on to protect him. He stood in front of the man, waiting for him to see him. He wanted to ask the man if he knew where they were, even though he doubted he would. Also, who was this guy to be kidnapped along with a bunch of the world's most powerful heros? And why were there kids here?

While he waited for the man to come to, he saw Bruce out of the corner of his eye, waking up the other avengers.

The man in front of him opened his eyes, looking at Tony. There was recognition in his eyes, which Tony didn't find confusing, as he was THE Tony Stark. But there was also something else in his eyes. Anger? This confused Tony. why would he be angry at him?

By this time, most of the people in the room were either awake, or waking up.

"What are YOU doing here?!" The man asked him loudly, with now obvious anger in his tone.

"I was about to ask you if you knew." Tony said , sighing. He turned around, looking at everyone in the room. They were all fully awake now, and all of them looked angry, scared, or just confused. The group of teenagers were huddling in the corner, looking in awe and fear at the people in front of them. The only ones separate from the group were two teenagers, and the boy covered in blood, who Tony hadn't noticed was still asleep.

He kept looking around. He stared for a moment at a man with a cape, who was RED. He also saw some other unfamiliar faces, like a man with dark skin and hair, and what looked like his sister, a man with a METAL ARM, a girl who was standing next to the Red guy, a man that looked super confused and out of place, like he was super ecstatic to be in the presence of heros, and -

Loki. Tony flinched. Loki was looking super uncomfortable, among the people that were fighting him the last he remembered. But Tony was still scared, because he was without his suit, and if a fight broke out in this small space, he wouldn't be able to protect even himself, definitely not a whole group of kids.

He looked back at the group of kids, and started walking to help the kid covered in blood. He walked up to who he assumed where the kids friends, as they were standing over him, concerned, and with wide eyes. Tony walked up to them to help, and as soon as the teens saw him, they gasped, and stepped away. He heard the boy mumbling "...Tony Stark, it can't be, it's not possible."

He ignored him and bent over the boy . He gently shook the boy, waking him up. The boy stirred, and looked at him. Immediately his eyes widened.

He screamed, scooting backwards. He had a look of horror on his face as he backed into the wall. He looked around him, his eyes catching on Steve, Natasha, and the Red guy. He then started mumbling something about illusions. His friends approached him. The girl put her hand on his shoulder, and he visibly relaxed at her touch.

she started speaking to him. "Don't worry Peter, Beck 's gone, it's not an illusion, I'm really here."

The boy- Peter, she called him - stated breathing slower, and after a few minutes, he calmed down.

His class (Tony assumed it was his class, based on the number of them) were staring at him in confusion, as was everyone else in the room. Peter stood up, acting like nothing happened. He turned to look at the room. They were all still staring at him. There was an awkward silence, and then one of his classmates called out "Is that blood!?" Peter ignored her, instead turning to Tony . Tony looked at him, and saw his eyes. He flinched when he saw his eyes. His eyes looked like an old war veterans eyes would look. They held sorrow, pain, and so many other things a child should not have to experience. It was horrible.

Peter looked at him, and he asked one question.

"How are you here?"

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