Chapter 4 - Never Liked Orientation Day

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When Dolos told me students were going to be transported to the academy, I expected some sort of magical floating train. What did I get instead? A massive white room with students inside of it. To say that I was confused was an understatement. In fact, I still couldn't wrap my head around it. "What the heck are we doing?" I asked myself as I scratched my head.

"I heard students from the hotel utilize these rooms to teleport them to the academy." A female student next to me said.

She seemed like a bubbly sort of person. One bit that caught me off-guard was her skin. It was . . . slightly grey-ish? Parts of her face and arms had a bit of scales? Runegard really was a large place, full of wonder. I needed to adjust to Runegard fast if I was going to blend in. Though beyond that she was relatively normal. Well . . .  aside from her yellow eyes anyhow. Her attire consisted of something that closely reminded a track suit. 

"Oh. Wait, what? So it's a uh . . . transportation rune?" I sheepishly responded.

"Mmm . . . Well it's a little complicated. Those usually work when Rifts are close to each other." She had her finger to her chin. "Because of the way the Void works, we have to go through back channels."

"Uh . . . Right. Back channels! Course." I had no idea what she was talking about. "Oh, by the way. Name's Fausto."

"Cleo. Oh, I really can't believe I'm going to attend Augustus Academy!" Her eyes sparkled like glitter.

"Augustus Academy really is THAT popular, huh?" I casually expressed.

"You really didn't know?!" She let out an audible gasp. "Graduates from Augustus go on to become some of the most successful freelancers in all of Runegard!"

"Oh." I abruptly said. "OH, yeah that does make sense. Heh, sorry about that. I guess I'm just . . . a little out of it?"

"I VERY much understand!" She happily expressed. "We'll just have to do our best in the orientation together!"

Before I could question her further, a young female voice spoke through an intercom.

"Attention all students, we will begin transportation in one minute. Please prepare yourselves accordingly. Back Channel will be open in 59 . . . 58 . . ." The voice began to countdown.

Suddenly, everyone else in the room started to frantically check their belongings. There was huge clamoring going on and I was just left bewildered. What in the heck was going on? I still didn't even know what a 'back channel' was either. I peered over to Cleo to ask her myself.

"Hey, so mind telling me like everyone is panicking like a headless chicken?" I asked calmly. "Chicken? What's that? Oh, you must be from one of those rural Rifts, right? Ah shoot, there isn't much time left! We're about to enter this really weird magical stream. Can't really explain it but just make sure you have everything on you."

Still confused, I shook my head and decided to heed her advice. Looking through my backpack, I saw that I had everything on me. So I put it back on and waited for the countdown to reach 0. As the voice started to reach the 10s, everyone else seemed raring to go. With the countdown now reaching the 5s, I tightened my fists in anticipation. I wonder what it was going to be like? If it's anything like transportation runes, then it probably shouldn't be bad. Right? And that's when I was blinded by an intense stream of light. When I slowly opened them not long after, I found myself in an unbelievable sight. It reminded me of the portal I went through before, but I was going through a long tunnel of some kind. Numerous colors swirled all around me, reminding me of those aurora borealis I saw on science magazines. Though I really couldn't stop and admire the sight: I was tunneling in at high speed.

It didn't seem very long before I found myself staring in a large forest of some kind. Seemed very rainforest-like and I could feel the humidity around me. Not to mention it was raining, but I always did like rain. Anyways I wondered where exactly I was before being met with a voice in my head.

"Ahem! It seems all of you have made it safely. Good, good!" The familiar female voice would clear her throat. "Welcome to the testing grounds!"

Testing grounds?? What kinda orientation is this? That's when I knew that Dolos left out a few details. Man, no wonder he and I got along so well. Like minds I suppose.

"Now before you go running off, allow me to explain what it is you'll be doing here. Your objective is to reach the goal post at the end of the course. As you keep progressing, you'll be met with numerous obstacles and even joined by other students. Any and all weapons, runes, and tools are allowed. At the end of the countdown, the test will begin." She said sternly.

Then she started to slowly countdown from ten as I decided to prepare myself. I was wondering when we were going to do something exciting. Through my anticipation, I couldn't help but smile even if I could hear my own heartbeat. 10 . . . 9 . . . 8 . . . I started to mentally countdown as well. Then at the count of 1, I ran as fast as I could.

Even though I felt pretty confident, I really didn't know what I was going to do if I ran into anything here. The worst I've ever faced was outrunning a couple of guards. Still, I could probably wing it . . . or not. Instinctively, I started to climb up the nearest tree, balance myself on the branches, and hop myself from there.

It always felt pretty good to jump from stuff like this. Though I gotta admit . . . Rooftops were the best. The wind brushed past my face, my heartbeat racing on full acceleration . . . It's cathartic for someone like me. That feeling of freedom, as if rules and laws don't apply to me. Being a thief was fun and I don't think I regret it one bit. Going back to reality, I started to jump across branch after branch. Thankfully the distance between each wasn't very far. Though it felt pretty weird to be jumping on tree branches; I almost felt like a ninja. After jumping what seemed like the hundredth branch, I felt a slight tremor.

"What the . . . ?" I muttered as I stopped to look around.

Again, I felt another tremor, only this time it was bigger than before. That's when I looked ahead and noticed someone else was there. He looked like a human but his ears were sharp. An elf? Those actually exist? Seriously? I was being blown out of expectation left and right and elves actually do exist? Anyways he seemed a bit more pale than your average person, but he looked fairly tall. His attire looked like a uniform, beige green top to bottom. In both of his hands were daggers, ones that resembled the kind survivalists use. Quickly, I shook my head as he focused on what he was doing. It almost looked like he was side stepping . . . but from what?

And that's when I saw it. It was huge! Big yellow eyes, large furry body, huge claws, and a horrifyingly long tongue. Was I witnessing the assault of an incredibly ugly anteater? Probably. I considered getting a move on since it wasn't directed at me. The elf looked like he could handle it. I've never seen someone move like that before. Almost seemed like he was zipping all over the place, like electricity. My eyes were trying to look left and right constantly to the point it started making me a bit dizzy. But I had to admit, I never saw anyone fight like that except for the movies. With each strike from the monster, the elf boy gave one nasty gash after the other.

"Tch . . . Won't this damned beast fall already?" He spat as he tightened his grip. Seemed like he was getting things under control so I thought about moving ahead. Couldn't really waste time and it would be troublesome if I intervened in a winning fight. Just as I was about to head out, I felt the ground shake once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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