Chapter 3 - The Hotel In The Middle of Space

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After departing from the office and the academy itself, Dolos had ended up sending me for temporary residence. I was expecting one of those cozy wooden cottages since we were in a world of magic. As expected, my expectations were kinda trumped by what I actually stayed in. I'm not complaining that I got to stay in a literal fancy magical hotel, but that was the last thing I had on my mind.

"The Vanguard Suites. It's a personal favorite of mine really. Whenever I'm off on my little trips, this is the first place that comes to mind." Dolos smiled as he warped the two of us here.

It was a pretty tall hotel, kinda like the ones you might see in New York. Only this one was on top of a large floating Island in the middle of literal cosmic space. Besides the galaxy-like colors, I had the blessing of being showered by the occasional magical sprinkles. Together the two of us entered inside as we found ourselves in a gigantic lobby. It was circular with a fancy red carpet going through the center. At the very center was the welcome desk which had several concierges. Approaching from the front, Dolos would talk with the attendant lady. As for me, I decided to loiter around a bit. I have to say, I wonder if I could try a heist at a place like this? Something this grand has to have some sort of vault full of money. Hmm, maybe not without the help of that magic stuff.

"Did you know? The Vanguard Suites is only but one of many businesses managed by Vanguard Enterprises." An adult male voice said behind me.

I turn around to see who it was that decided to talk to me out of the blue. He was an adult alright but . . . How do I put this? There were some extremely serious steampunk gentleman vibes coming from him. He wore some sort of victorian-styled attire with a cravat sticking out from his neck. There was even a golden monocle on his left eye. That trimmed brown hair of his made me think he was one of those weird gentlemen types.

"Uh huh . . . That's cool. Sorry if it doesn't seem like I care but you did just come talk to me." I scratched the back of my head.

"Oh, yes my apologies! Y'see I can't help myself but make small talk." He laughed. "Let's just say I'm on a little business trip. Are you a student at Augustus Academy?"

"Actually yeah, I am. How'd ya know?" I asked as I tilted my head in confusion.

"Oh, didn't you know? This hotel is generally full of incoming students from many different rifts. Since the academy itself requires dorming accommodations, they set up rooms for them the week before classes begin." He adjusted his monocle.

"Oh." I blinked. "Sorry, I guess you could say I'm new to this whole thing?"

The guy looked at me for what seemed like a while before just nodding repeatedly. Honestly I wasn't sure what to do and it looked like Dolos wasn't done anytime soon. Still, he didn't seem that suspicious, but I always knew to keep an eye out for trouble.

"So uh . . . I guess you're pretty familiar with Augustus Academy? Did you go there yourself?" I asked with a small smile.

"Oh, actually no. Y'see I attended a different institution when I was about your age. Saint Annalee's Academy, charming little place." He beamed when he referred to his training college.

"Guess it makes sense. It's just like actual- I mean yeah, figures there'd be more than one college. Rifts and all right?" I try to laugh it off.

"Mmm . . . Yes. You're right, Runegard is a rather large place. Anyhow I'm sure you'll get used to the concept. Now I must be off, I'm afraid there's business I must attend to. Ta ta and I bid you adieu." He politely bows at me before making his leave.

Watching him head out the doors, I couldn't help but scratch my head. Did he already see through me? But that wouldn't make sense at all. Dolos said my world was a pretty closely guarded secret, for some reason. For now I waited for suits to finish as I wondered who that weird gentleman was. After a good bit, Dolos returned back to me with a pat on the shoulder.

"I've checked you in. Room 606. Here's the key card, don't lose it." He hands me a golden keycard.

"Whoa, is this uh . . . ?" I stared at the keycard intently.

"Real gold? Not quite," he chuckles. "In any case, classes begin next week. All Augustus students here will be going through the same mode of transportation."

He then handed me some kinda children's book of some kind as I raised an eyebrow.

"You'll need it. It'll teach you a bit on Runegard basics. Normally this isn't the sort of book you read at your age but . . . It will help you greatly." He would start to turn around. "Enjoy the school year, I'm sure you'll learn many things."

With a smile, he heads on out through the doors. I didn't know it at the time but it would be the last time I'd see him before a long while. One of the bellhops arrived as they volunteered to help direct me to my room. So I nodded and we boarded a pretty average-looking elevator. Though I wasn't prepared for the myriad of buttons it had. I think I spent a good solid minute just staring at over 20 buttons worth.

"Almost every new student does the same thing." He smiled. "You get used to it."

Pressing the 6 button, the elevator seemed to be moving but then it suddenly stopped. The doors flung open as I was greeted to a luxurious waiting area. There was a hallway at the end leading to both left and right. Taking my first steps out, the door behind me closes as the bellhop waved goodbye. There were plenty of artworks and flowers, just like an actual hotel. Though it was much more . . . shiny. Anyways I took a bit to find my room, which was pretty easy thanks to the signs plastered on the walls. Eventually I found my room door which was green and had a golden plaque on top. '606' would be inscribed on it as I saw that there was this strange looking mark where a door handle should be. It looked really similar to the glyphs, or I think they were runes as Dolos mentioned. Taking out the golden keycard, I put it near the mark. I almost jumped back when a mini spell circle was conjured up. Suddenly, the door slowly opened itself as I slid the card back in my wallet.

I was so used to living in a shoddy New York apartment that I questioned if this was heaven. Compared to the hallway and the doors, the inside was enormous! There was a nice little fountain in the center with some marble tile flooring. To the right was a mini-kitchen area with a small dining table. Left had a single door and towards the back end was a sliding door. Honestly I must've spent an hour just gazing through everything. It almost felt like it was meant for me. Heck, there was something similar to a flat screen and a couch near the back.

My room was a bit more cozy though. A bit small but just enough space. Even a nice closet to put all my stuff in. The queen-sized bed was arguably the best part about it. Honestly I was so used to a shoddy little twin-sized bed that this made me smile. First thing I did was lay down on the bed, which I swore was memory foam. I took out the book Dolos gave me. My eyes stared at the title: 'The Little Wanderer.' Curious, I started to flip open the pages. 

It was a pretty nice little book actually, for something that's directed for kids. Talks about the little wanderer who wandered through the depths of what I think is space. They refer to that as the Void or something. What got me interested was this little phrase, which I raised an eyebrow at.

"The Little Wanderer wandered and wandered . . . Until he found a large crystal. It shone brighter than anything he ever saw before and he could feel something from it. Slowly but surely, he went and touched the stone. Suddenly, he was met with a great bright light! When he came to, he discovered new worlds to explore, new things to discover. That is how the Little Wanderer found more places to wander about."

Was this some sort of legend on how Runegard was founded? It was interesting nonetheless as I put it away. I probably would've liked it if he gave me more books to read but I guess it didn't really matter. I still have my great ancestor's journal in my bag. Always put it in my bag since I never knew when I might need it. I did just that, took it out and I spent the entire night reading through it like I always have. It felt oddly nostalgic doing this sort of thing in my hotel room. Reminded me of when I first found this book. I wonder what it's going to be like at the academy. And so eventually it was time: orientation day. 

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