Dead People On Your Doorstep

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Multiple PoVs:

"This is definitely the place." Tonks announced, jabbing her finger at a sign next to the door that read, "Potter Residence". To Lily and James, the house looked very much like they had last seen it, but everyone who had visited their home after they had died saw that the gaping hole in the side of their house had been fixed.

Suddenly, they heard a loud CRASH!, and all whipped their heads towards the upstairs of the home, where it seemed to have originated from.

"JAMES! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE THIS TIME?!?!" everyone except for James and Lily recognized the voice of Harry Potter, but a little deeper and less...troubled.

"Nothing!" they heard a teenager call from the crash-site.

"It's obviously not noth-" Harry was cut off by another loud CRASH!

"JAMES! LEAVE YOUR BROTHER ALONE!!!" hollered Harry and everyone chuckled.

"Looks like Harry's got his hands full!" said Dumbledore, a smile on his face. He was glad that Harry was finally able to find peace. peaceful as it could be having an apparently naughty teenager named James. Many others nodded amusedly.

There was another CRASH! 

They heard Harry mutter loudly, "They don't pay me enough for this job!"

"Being our dad is your duty not your job!" exclaimed James with mock-wisdom. "You don't get paid anything!"

"My point exactly." Harry sighed, causing many of the observers outdoors to burst out in laughter. Figuring in case Harry looked out the window and wondered why a bunch of supposedly dead people were loitering in his yard, Dumbledore decided that it would be a good time to knock.

"One minute!" Harry called in a strained voice. "Lils, can you get that, please?"

The door was answered by a girl with shoulder-length flaming-red hair, dazzling chocolate brown eyes, and a radiant smile. 

"Good mor - what - how - but you're - " the young girl stuttered at a loss for words and they all smiled kindly at her. "Sorry, I forgot my manners! My name is Lily, Lily Potter." Lily (I'm going to call all of the namesakes by their name and all of the people named after other people their name with "II") smiled at the thought that her son named his daughter after.

"That's my name too, y'know." Lily said gently, smiling at the small girl who returned it slightly shyly.

"So what can I do for you, in this beautiful morning?" she said cheerfully, though they could see that it was somewhat forced, mixed with anxiety and curiosity.

"We'd like to speak to your father, if that's alright, Lily." Dumbledore revealed, not unkindly and the girl nodded understandingly. 

She turned her back to them and cupped her hands around her mouth. "DADDYYYY!!!!!" she called.

"Coming, Lily-Flower!" James and Lily glanced at each other, as that was what James always called Lily. There was yet another CRASH and Lily winced.

"Sorry about that. My brother James isn't very...responsible." Lily had so many words that she could use for James, but she figured that that was the politest in front of these newcomers. Almost everyone subconsciously shot a glance at James, who grinned sheepishly. 

There was a lot more shouting upstairs and it had been a few minutes. "DAAAADDDDDYYYYY!!!!! Come on! There're people here who want to see you!" Lily called again frustratedly.

"I'm coming, Lily!" Harry called back wearily, and the visitors felt a wave a sympathy for the man who was having to deal with all these wild children. Well, Lily II at least seemed okay.

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