Rise From the Graves

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Sorry if this first chapter is boring, I just need to start the story off.

Multiple PoVs:

Albus Dumbledore suddenly opened his eyes. He was lying in a white box. For a moment he was extremely baffled but then images flashed through his mind; flying to the astronomy tower with Harry, talking to Draco, begging Severus, the flash of green light, and falling...He also had very vague memories of being made of thread but it was very hard to recall. Suddenly a thought went through his mind, I need to go to Godric's Hollow, he had no idea why but it for some reason seemed right so he grabbed the wand that was resting on his chest and turned (as much as he could) on the spot.

Fred Weasley awoke in a small, enclosed space. It smelled like rotting wood and dirt. He was in a coffin. He started to panic, what was he doing here? Then he remembered. He remembered: "You actually are joking, Perce...I don't think I've heard you joke since you were - ", then there was a crash and he descended into blackness. He had died. Just then, a thought sparked in his mind, I need to go to Godric's Hollow. He had no idea why. Fred had never even been there before but he knew that for some reason, it was the place to be right now. He shouted reducto! and the top of the coffin blasted off. He quickly scrambled out and filled his grave back up, before disapparating out of the graveyard of Ottery St. Catchpole.

Mad-Eye Moody let out a faint breath and opened his eyes, well eye, the magical eye in his left eye socket constantly forced his eyelids open. The magical eye that was whizzing in its socket looked through his dark surroundings. He saw bones, coffins, and stones. The stone above him wrote:

Alastor Moody

Born: March 7th, 1944

Died: July 27th, 1997

Constant Vigilance

He smiled slightly at the last part. But the smile was short-lived when he realized he was in a graveyard. He was dead. But he seemed to be alive. Then the memories came back; of him flying, Voldemort approaching, Mundungus disapparating (the filthy traitor!), and then everything was swamped in bright green light. I have to get out of here, thought Mad-Eye. He saw that no one was in the graveyard above, so he blasted off the wood and dirt in his way. Sunlight filtered into the previously dark hole, and he climbed out. He needed to get out of here. But where could he go? He was a dead man, though he didn't know how long he'd been dead, so where? Godric's Hollow. Mad-Eye didn't know why but he knew he needed to go there. So with a loud CRACK, he vanished.

Severus Snape found himself in a dark box that closed around him. The top was just inches from his greasy (yes, he admitted, it was greasy) nose. Suddenly, memories played out before him; talking to Voldemort, the snake, and giving his memories of his dear Lily to Potter. That's when he realized what had happened: he had died. That meant he was dead, so this must be a coffin. But then how was he living in the coffin? Was this a dream? He didn't know if you dreamed when you were dead. Then a thought, though it was more like an order, flashed to the front of his mind; I need to go to Godric's Hollow. He didn't know why he was to return to the resting place of his love, but he decided to go along with the dream, and, figuring that if there were people above him it would look very strange to see someone rise from a grave, he disapparated directly from his coffin.

Dobby the house elf's tennis ball green eyes suddenly popped open. He was surrounded by dirt, it encased him and was even falling in his mouth. He was buried in it. But the real question was, why was he buried? The answer suddenly came to him as he remembered rescuing the great Harry Potter and his friends from Malfoy Manor, and he remembered Bellatrix's knife wedging itself in between his ribs, and he remembered taking his last breaths in the arms of a crying Harry Potter. So if he had died, then this must be his grave. He felt honored that he, a house-elf, had been given a grave. Such a high honor, never before had it been bestowed upon a house elf. As he listened around him, he could just make out the slapping of waves hitting rocks and he saw the tiniest bit of sand mixed in with the dirt around him. So he was beside the water...What should he do now? Dobby then experienced the sudden urge to visit Godric's Hollow, the birthplace of his very own savior, Harry Potter. With the snap of his fingers, the grave caved in, and Dobby vanished, but not before he got a look of a headstone that read, "Here lies Dobby, a free elf".

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